Optimization of a solar-blind and middle infrared two-colour photodetector using GaN-based bulk mate

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongzi2009
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This paper calculates the wavelengths of the interband transitions as a function of the Al mole fraction of Al x Ga 1 x N bulk material.It is finds that when the Al mole fraction is between 0.456 and 0.639,the wavelengths correspond to the solar-blind (250 nm to 280 nm).The influence of the structure parameters of Al y Ga 1 y N/GaN quantum wells on the wavelength and absorption coefficient of intersubband transitions has been investigated by solving the Schro¨dinger and Poisson equations self-consistently.The Al mole fraction of the Al y Ga 1 y N barrier changes from 0.30 to 0.46,meanwhile the width of the well changes from 2.9 nm to 2.2 nm,for maximal intersubband absorption in the window of the air (3 μm < λ < 5 μm).The absorption coefficient of the intersubband transition between the ground state and the first excited state decreases with the increase of the wavelength.The results are finally used to discuss the prospects of GaN-based bulk material and quantum wells for a solar-blind and middle infrared two-colour photodetector. This paper calculates the wavelengths of the interband transitions as a function of the Al mole fraction of Al x Ga 1 x N bulk material. It is finds that when the Al mole fraction is between 0.456 and 0.639, the wavelengths correspond to the solar-blind (250 nm to 280 nm). The influence of the structure parameters of Al y Ga 1 y N / GaN quantum wells on the wavelength and absorption coefficient of intersubband transitions has been investigated by solving the Schroßinger and Poisson equations self-consistently. The Al mole fraction of the Al y Ga 1 y N barrier changes from 0.30 to 0.46, meanwhile the width of the well changes from 2.9 nm to 2.2 nm, for maximal intersubband absorption in the window of the air (3 μm <λ <5 μm). The absorption coefficient of the intersubband transition between the ground state and the first excited state decreases with the increase of the wavelength. The results are finally used to discuss the prospects of GaN-based bulk material and quantum wells for a solar- blind and middle infrared two-color photodetector.
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