Part 3 A Little Piece of Eden

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  Monica: Hey Mom, I’m home!
  Mom: Hey honey, were you able to get everything on the list?
  Monica: Sure was. Can you give me a hand carting this all in?
  Mom: Sure…①just two shakes of a lamb’s tail.
  Monica: Thanks Mom. Alright, so I’ll start washing up if you want to get organized.
  Mom: Sure honey. Thanks. How was the grocery store?
  Monica: Oh it was fine. Bob 1)tagged along so it wasn’t so boring.
  Mom: I love that boy. ②He’s such a good egg.
  Monica: That’s why I keep him around. You know Mom, when we were shopping, he pointed out how expensive all this organic stuff can be.
  Mom: He’s not wrong. The bills can really 2)rack up.
  Monica: Well, I was thinking, why don’t we try our hand at growing our own stuff?
  Mom: Honey, that’s a nice idea, but where? All we’ve got is the tiny deck and maybe a couple windows to 3)boot.
  Monica: But that’s a good start. ③A couple tomato plants, maybe some chillies, some peppers—we don’t have to kill an elephant or anything. Just something small.
  Mom: That’s not a bad idea. It could cut some costs for sure. What gave you the idea?
  Monica: I was thinking about the whole “organic” label on the way home. Like, what does that actually mean?
  Mom: ④I’m not sure I’m following you, honey.
  Monica: We’ve just had so many food scares recently that it’s hard to trust what you’re told. How do you know if it’s really organic or not?
  Mom: Well, they have to pass certain inspections if they want to 4)slap that adjective on their label.
  Monica: But what are the inspection laws? Do you even know?
  Mom: ⑤Truth be told, no I don’t. I know that the North American regulations are quite strict, and that the EU’s regulations are even harsher, but I couldn’t even begin to tell you about the standards here.
  Monica: So you never even know.
  Mom: I guess not, no.
  Monica: Plus, I thought it would be kind of fun. You know, ⑥once we’ve wet our feet a little, we can rent some garden space from the city.
  Mom: You can do that?
  Monica: Sure! We could have our own little Garden of Eden. It would be good for us.
  Mom: Haha, my own daughter telling me what’s good for me!
  Monica: No, I didn’t mean it like that…
  Mom: No honey, don’t get upset. ⑦You’re bang on the money. Let’s do it.
  Monica: Really?
  Mom: Absolutely. We’ll head out to the plant market first thing tomorrow. But for now, get those veggies 5)scrubbed!
  Monica: Yes ma’am!
  Smart Sentences
  ① Just two shakes of a lamb’s tail. 马上就好。
  two shakes of a lamb’s tail: in a very short time(在很短的时间内)。例如:
  I’ll be back with the dictionary in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.
  ② He’s such a good egg. 他是个好人。
  a good egg: a good person in old fashion slang(好人,旧式用法)。例如:
  Oh, what a good egg you are!
  ③ A couple tomato plants, maybe some chillies, some peppers—we don’t have to kill an elephant or anything. 几棵西红柿,几棵辣椒和几棵花椒。我们不一定要搞得很大规模。
  kill an elephant: do too much; overdo sth.(做得过分)。例如:
  Expel? You can’t kill an elephant for this minor mischief!
  ④ I’m not sure I’m following you. 我不确定能不能理解到你的意思。
  follow sb.: understand what sb. is trying to say(明白某人的话)。例如:
  I really didn’t follow what you just said. Can you repeat that?
  ⑤ Truth be told, no I don’t. 老实说,我不知道。
  truth be told: = to tell you the truth, used to indicate that you are telling sb. sth. honestly without trying to hide anything(说实话)。例如:
  Truth be told, I don’t think he likes you.
  ⑥ Once we’ve wet our feet a little, we can rent some garden space from the city. 既然我们已经开始尝试,就可以在城市里租块花园大小的土地来栽种。
  wet sb.’s feet: get a little first-time experience with sth.(开始感受,试水)。例如:
  Students should be encouraged to wet their feet by getting an internship in a bank.
  ⑦ You’re bang on the money. 你说得完全正确。
  on the money: be correct or true(正确,说对)。例如:
  You were on the money again about who would win the race.
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