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气候变化会对作物生长及养分吸收利用产生显著影响。本研究利用开放式气候变化野外试验平台,研究大气CO2浓度和温度升高对不同生育期水稻植株C、N含量,积累量和分配的影响。试验平台的小区处理有大气CO2浓度升高(500μmol/mol)、温度升高(+2℃)和大气CO2浓度和温度同时升高处理。结果表明:1大气CO2浓度升高显著增加了水稻植株中C含量,C、N积累量及水稻茎鞘中C、N分配;显著降低了水稻植株中N含量及穗中C、N的分配;2温度升高显著增加了拔节期和成熟期水稻叶片中C含量及各生育期水稻植株中N含量,拔节期植株中N积累量及成熟期茎鞘和叶片中C、N分配;显著降低了开花期和成熟期稻穗中C含量,开花期和灌浆期水稻植株中C积累量,成熟期水稻植株中N积累量,开花和灌浆期茎鞘中C素分配及成熟期穗中C、N分配;3大气CO2浓度和温度同时升高显著增加了灌浆期水稻植株中C含量及成熟期茎鞘中C、N分配并降低了叶片中N的含量和穗中C、N的分配,而C、N积累量则无显著变化。 Climate change will have a significant impact on crop growth and nutrient uptake and utilization. In this study, we used open climate change field experiment platform to study the effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature on C, N content, accumulation and distribution in rice at different growth stages. The plot of the experimental platform was treated with atmospheric CO2 concentration (500μmol / mol), elevated temperature (+ 2 ℃) and atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature. The results showed that: 1 elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased C content, C and N accumulation in rice plants and C and N distribution in stems and sheaths of rice plants; significantly reduced N content and C and N distribution in rice plants; 2 increased the C content in rice leaves at jointing and maturity stages, and the content of N in rice plants at different growth stages, the accumulation of N in jointing plants and C, N distribution in stem, sheath and leaves at maturity; C content in rice at flowering and maturity, C accumulation in rice at flowering and filling stages, N accumulation in rice plants at maturity, C allocation in stem and sheath at flowering and filling stages and C and N in ear at maturity 3. The simultaneous increase of CO2 concentration and temperature in atmosphere significantly increased the content of C and the distribution of C and N in the stems and sheaths of rice plants and the distribution of N and N, and the distribution of C and N in the ears of rice at grain filling stage. , N accumulation no significant change.
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