Adverse outcomes in type 1 diabetic pregnant women with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gogoboy725
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AIM: To report maternal and fetal adverse outcomes, in spite of appropriate treatment and regular follow up, in diabetic pregnant women with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. METHODS: Case series of four young pregnant diabetics aged between 20 and 25 years with type 1 diabetes mellitus and proliferative diabetic retrinopathy. RESULTS: The maternal adverse outcomes were abortion in one patient, pre-eclampsia and preterm delivery in one patient, and renal failure requiring dialysis in one patient. The fetal adverse outcomes were neonatal death in one case and premature baby in another case. CONCLUSION: These cases highlight the fact that diabetic pregnant women should be closely followed up by the obstetricians and physicians when they have proliferative retinopathy. The proliferative diabetic retinopathy should be considered as a part of the assessment when counseling a diabetic woman in antenatal check up and also in the follow up visits during pregnancy. AIM: To report maternal and fetal adverse outcomes, in spite of appropriate treatment and regular follow up, in diabetic pregnant women with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. METHODS: Case series of four young pregnant diabetics aged between 20 and 25 years with type 1 diabetes mellitus and proliferative diabetic retrinopathy. RESULTS: The maternal adverse outcomes were abortion in one patient, pre-eclampsia and preterm delivery in one patient, and renal failure requiring dialysis in one patient. The fetal adverse outcomes were neonatal death in one case and premature baby in another CONCLUSION: These cases highlight the fact that diabetic pregnant women should be closely followed up by the obstetricians and physicians when they have proliferative retinopathy. The proliferative diabetic retinopathy should be considered as a part of the assessment when counseling a diabetic woman in antenatal check up and also in the follow up visits
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