Model test on dynamic characteristics of invert and foundation soils of high-speed railway tunnel

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XTOGM
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A dynamic model test(CL = 4) at different velocities of train,namely different loading frequencies,is carried out to study the dynamic characteristics of a high-speed railway tunnel invert and its foundation soils.Not only are the accelerations,dynamic coefficients,dynamic stresses of the invert and foundation soils emphatically analyzed,their relationship with the velocity of the train are discussed in detail.Through laboratory testing,the attenuation of vibration propagating from up the rails is obtained and the calculation formula of the speed influence coefficient of the tunnel invert is preliminarily established.The depth of the foundation soils influenced by vibration is also determined in this study.It is shown that the responses of the tunnel invert and foundation soils to vibration are slightly increased with the velocity of the train;circumferential stresses in the bottom of the invert are tensile stresses and maximum stresses appear under the foot of the rails;the dynamic soil pressures of the foundation decrease quickly with the distance away from the tunnel invert and an exponential relationship exists between them. A dynamic model test (CL = 4) at different velocities of train, wherein different loading frequencies, is carried out to study the dynamic characteristics of a high-speed railway tunnel invert and its foundation soils. Not only are the accelerations, dynamic coefficients, dynamic stresses of the invert and foundation soils emphatically analyzed, their relationship with the velocity of the train are discussed in detail. Through laboratory testing, the attenuation of vibration propagating from up the rails is obtained and the calculation formula of the speed influence coefficient of the tunnel invert is preliminarily established. The depth of the foundation soils influenced by vibration is also determined in this study. It is shown that the responses of the tunnel invert and foundation soils to vibration are slightly increased with the velocity of the train; tire stresses in the bottom of the invert are tensile stresses and maximum stresses appear under the foot of the rails; the dynamic so il pressures of the foundation decrease quickly with the distance away from the tunnel invert and an exponential relationship exists between them.
编者按:  “十三五”开局之后,供给侧结构性改革成为各界关注的焦点。PPP(政府和社会资本合作)改革作为一项重要的供给侧结构性改革措施,正在发挥积极的牵引作用。为了更好地对全国PPP项目进行全生命周期监管,建立统一、规范、透明的PPP大市场,财政部组织搭建了全国PPP综合信息平台,对2013年以来全国所有PPP项目实现线上监管、动态数据分析、案例分享等。这一平台被业界誉为是国内最权威的PPP大数据