Problems Confronting China’s Petroleum Refining Industry During the High Oil Price Period and Sugges

来源 :China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mavylin
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This article has suggested that high oil price could loom many years in the future and has analyzed the impact of this trend on the oil product mix and petroleum refining industry in China. This article has also put forward measures for sharpening the international competitive edge of China’s petroleum refining indus- try to cope with the challenges of high oil price. This article has suggested that high oil price could loom many years in the future and has been analyzed the impact of this trend on the oil product mix and petroleum refining industry in China. This article has suggested that high oil price could also be put forward for sharpening the international competitive edge of China’s petroleum refining indus- try to cope with the challenges of high oil price.
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