
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlc198812
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从我国目前的高校钢琴教学来看,其中西方的钢琴作品一直是占据着主导的地位,而中国本土的钢琴作品则是无人问津。从最近几年来看,随着钢琴教学事业不断的壮大和发展,中国钢琴的作品在实际的教学意义中也从新得到了人们的肯定,对于学生来说,无论是演奏的技巧还是演奏的思想,都有着积极促进的作用。本文主要对我国高校在钢琴教学方面在对不同学生的不同曲目选择问题进行探讨,并且对其具体的应用做了具体的研究。 Judging from the current piano teaching in colleges and universities in our country, the western piano works always occupy the leading position, while the Chinese mainland piano works are unattended. In recent years, with the continuous growth and development of piano teaching, the works of Chinese pianos have gained new recognition in the practical teaching meaning. For students, both playing skills and playing ideas, Have a positive role in promoting. This paper mainly discusses the choice of different tracks of different students in piano teaching in Chinese universities and colleges, and makes a concrete study of its specific application.
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