
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fonely
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编者的话:这里发表的是浙江省一位中学校长的信,信中反映的教师队伍不稳定的问题,是当前普遍存在的一个十分严重的问题,应引起各级党政部门的高度重视。学校要为国家培养又多又好的人才,核心问题是要有一支足够数量的、又红又专的教师队伍。多年来,各级教育部门为建设这样一支队伍做了大量工作,但至今还有不少教师不合格,骨干教师尤缺,急待补充提高。在这种情况下,如果任意从学校抽调骨干教师,听任骨干教师外流,使教师队伍受到削弱,那么,学校要为国家培养输送人才,就是一句空话。因此,教师队伍能不能稳定,是关系到祖国四化建设的大问题,决不可等闲视之。要稳定教师队伍,需要做多方面的努力。但关键还在于各级党、政领导,对教育在四化建设中的地位和作用,是否有足够的认识,或者说,是否在思想上把教育真正重视起来了。果能如此,就会采取积极、妥善的办法,不使骨干教师外流;就会千方百计采取切实有效措施,逐步解决教师面临的各种实际困难,使他们真正亨受到与他们的岗位相称的社会地位和生活待遇,安心工作。俗话说:“家有梧桐树,自有凤凰栖”,就是这个道理。我们向各级领导呼吁:认真研究一下教师问题。 Editor’s Note: This is a letter from a high school principal in Zhejiang Province. The letter reflects the instability of the contingent of teachers. It is a very serious issue that currently prevails and should be given high priority by party and government departments at all levels. The school needs to train more and better talents for the country. The core issue is to have a sufficient number of red and specialized teachers. Over the years, the education departments at all levels have done a great deal of work in building such a contingent. However, there are still many teachers who fail to meet the requirements and backbone teachers are lacking in urgent need of further enhancement. Under such circumstances, it is a nonsense for schools to train qualified personnel for transfer to the state if they arbitrarily deploy key teachers from schools and allow them to be extroverted. Therefore, whether the contingent of teachers can be stable is a major issue that concerns the construction of the motherland’s four modernizations and must never be ignored. To stabilize the teaching staff, many efforts need to be made. However, the key point lies in whether party and government leaders at all levels have enough understanding of the status and role of education in the four modernizations, or whether they really value education ideologically. If so, we will take a proactive and proper approach so as to prevent the outflow of key teachers; and we will do everything possible to take practical and effective measures to gradually solve the practical difficulties facing teachers so that they will truly enjoy the social status commensurate with their posts And living conditions, peace of mind. As the saying goes: “The family has plane trees, own Phoenix habitat” is the truth. We appeal to leaders at all levels: seriously study the issue of teachers.