Effects of ration level and feeding frequency on digestibility in juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Pelo

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science(Life Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikesh123
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The effects of ration level and feeding frequency on digestibility in juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, were investigated. Four ration levels 1.5%, 2.5%, 4.0% and satiation (6.0% BW/d) were used. Apparent digestibility (AD) of dry matter (DMAD), protein (PAD) and protein real digestibility (PRD) were significantly affected by ration level, but not by feeding frequency when the ration level was similar. However, the feeding frequency affected the AD, DMAD, PAD and PRD signifi-cantly when the turtles were fed to satiation. The relationship between fecal protein content (Y) and protein intake (X) can be expressed as a quadric equation: Y=?0.1742+0.1476X?0.0003X2 (r2=0.876, n=27, F=93.92, P<0.01). The effects of ration level and feeding frequency on digestibility in juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, were investigated. Four ration levels 1.5%, 2.5%, 4.0% and satiation (6.0% BW / d) However, the feeding frequency affected the AD, DMAD, PAD (PAD) and protein real digestibility (PRD) and PRD signifi-cantly when the turtles were fed to satiation. The relationship between fecal protein content (Y) and protein intake (X) can expressed as a quadric equation: Y =? 0.1742 + 0.1476X? 0.0003X2 (r2 = , n = 27, F = 93.92, P <0.01).
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