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我是一位扎根农村高中教育事业十余年之久的普通教师。十多年来,我经历了所在学校由发展到辉煌再到走下坡路的心酸过程。学校的发展之路为何如此不堪回首呢?作为一名与学校同风雨的教员,我内心也是难以平静,我的处境也是十分尴尬!苦思冥想溢于言表,今日将其付诸笔墨,以赢得社会各界的理解与支撑。 I am an ordinary teacher rooted in rural high school education for more than ten years. For more than a decade, I experienced the sad process of developing my school from brilliant to decadent. Why is the development path of the school so painful? As an instructor with a school, I feel difficult to calm my heart, and I am in a very embarrassed situation. I have tried my best to get rid of my thoughts and won the opinion of all walks of life today With support.