A Research on the Formation of English Teaching Objectives from Needs Analysis Theory in Senior High

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  I. A brief introduction to Needs Analysis
  Needs analysis(NA) is to know the needs of language learners in language learning, and arrange these study needs according to situations(Richards et al.,1985),Chen Bingbing believes that needs analysis is the technique of analyzing needs by introspection,interviews,observation and questionnaires,having been widely used in education,trade, manufacture and so on.In foreign language area,needs analysis originally applied to English for Special Purposes(ESP).The term of Needs Analysis appeared first in literature in1920s put forward by Michael West (Howatt 1984).It gains much attention again until 1970s when The Council of Europe promoted its uses in ESP(West,1994).Accompanying the changes from learners’ language needs to learners’ learning needs,needs analysis began to be applied to General English area and become an indispensable step in Language teaching.
  II. The definition and classification of teaching objectives
  Objectives could be defined as specific statements that describe the particular knowledge,behaviors,and /or skills that the learner will be expected to know or perform at the end of a course or program.The famous American educator Bloom related objectives to cognitive,emotional and motor skills three fields.Later,Gagne classified objectives into these five categories:the mental skills,cognitive strategies, speech information skill, action skills and attitude based on his Information processing theory. In 1998,American scholar A.Dean Hauen stein introduced a new system of education target classification, which is the further development of Bloom.He divided objectives into four areas: cognitive, emotional, motor skills and behavior; All in all,objectives reflects the process of learning rather than a consequence,as well as internalized value more than external demonstration.
  III. Teaching objectives formulation in senior high school
  3.1 Formulating teaching objectives according to the needs of New Curriculum Standard
  New Senior English Curriculum Standard defines the range and depth of teaching knowledge system,skill and aims.NNESC is a basic guidance of implementing senior English teaching ideology and teaching plans.So senior English teachers should consider New Curriculum Standard as the starting points and primary basis of teaching design. For example,the corresponding English level of senior grade 1 students is grade 6 in New Curriculum Standard.According to language skill objectives of grade 6 “students could get key information in general text,can infer word meaning according to contexts.”So the skill of skimming, scanning and inferring in senior grade 1 are important.   3.2 Formulating teaching objectives according to the needs of textbook
  Each textbook has a corresponding textbook.As we known, textbooks compiled by a logical relationships.There are certain relationships between units.Before making objectives,teachers should study syllabus carefully ,trying to figure out intentions of the writer and inner relations of knowledge.At the same time,being aware of the important and difficult points.According to constructivism,the role of teachers is to provide scaffolding and help students make connections between new and previous knowledge. Such as in PEP,Book1,unit3 Travel Journey,its functional item is talking about future plans,since we have learned future tenses and progressive tense in junior high school, so objectives should be specified as using present progressive to present future.
  3.3 Formulating teaching objectives according to students’ need
  Students are the center of teaching activities.Learning is not a simple process of transferring,but a process of constructing structures.According to the classifications set by Hutchinson and Waters,learners’ need can be divided into target needs and learning needs.Target needs refer to the learners’ objective needs for using language in target occasions.While learning needs refers to the requisite conditions in learning process.Teachers should take full considerations about students individual needs,learning needs and employment needs. A good case in point is that in a reading class of PEP,New Senior English,Book2,Unit4 Wildlife protection,the objective of parallel class is to get the main idea and details through 3W questions of each animal.while the key class is asked to rephrase each paragraph and make new conversations between Daisy and animals.
  [1]陈晓堂 孙晓辉.英语教材分析与设计[M].外语教学与研究出版社,2011.
【摘要】因为特定原因,大多数中专生的英语基础弱,学习动机不足。文章主要分析了学生动机不足的原因,并从注重语言能力和采用多样化的教学方式两个方面阐述激发学生学习英语动机的策略。  【关键词】中专英语 动机 策略 激发  在教学中,动机是学生积极参与学习活动的动力,是提高学习效率的催化剂。对于中专生而言,学习动机的激发更显其重要性。中专生大多数成绩差,对英语的学习提不起兴趣,语言技能低下等,归根结底是
【摘要】大学生具有清晰明确的个人意识,对于知识学习的偏好性非常明显。因此这一阶段内,为了达到教学效率,实现教学目标,英语教学不仅仅要重视理论方面的教学,更要重视学生与教师之间的情感交流,以此保证正常的课堂进展顺序。文中重点分析了情感交流在大学英语教学管理过程中发挥的作用,并提出了利用情感交流提高大学英语管理效率的有效方法。  【关键词】情感交流 大学英语 教学管理 重要性  高校教学方法的变化通常
【摘要】萧伯纳的戏剧对话机智幽默,不仅反映人物性格而且刺激读者反思言语背后的社会现象。研究其言语幽默具有重要的意义。不和谐——消解理论是目前最有影响的幽默理论;关联理论与其相互补充,可以揭示不和谐产生与消解的认知过程。本文试从不和谐-消解理论和关联理论的视角下解读《皮格马利翁》中的言语幽默。  【关键词】不和谐-消解理论 关联理论 《皮格马利翁》 言语幽默  一、引言  言语幽默是借助语言手段表述
18岁的法伦是个洛杉矶女孩,面容姣好,天资聪颖,14岁时就开始在一部家喻户晓的侦探剧中扮演角色,可谓前程似锦。然而,两年前的一场大火在她身体上留下了大面积的伤疤,她的演艺生涯戛然而止。但一直以来,她并未放弃自己的演员梦。高中毕业后,她决定离开这个伤心地,前往纽约寻找发展机会。11月9日是她在洛杉矶的最后一天,也是她的受伤纪念日,她请父亲在餐馆吃顿告别饭。  餐桌上,父亲说她现在不够漂亮、不能继续做
【Abstract】Gass (1997) once said that the concept of input is the single most important concept of second language acquisition. It is trivial to point out that no individual can learn a second language
【摘要】文学作品要体现英雄观,必然要以塑造各式的英雄形象展现。本文试从中西代表性文学作品《三国演义》和《老人与海》来挖掘中西方英雄观的差异;两部作品中塑造的英雄形象深入人心,具有一定的时代代表性。考察英雄形象背后的文化特征和价值观,挖掘中西文化异同,有助于更好地理解文学的社会文化内涵,更为深刻地感受文学和文化的交融。  【关键词】英雄形象 《三国演义》 《老人与海》  “英雄是一种立足于现实又指向
【摘要】在我校12月的开放月期间,我上了一堂公开课,课题为“Module 6 Unit 2话题拓展阅读”,内容是21世纪英文报高一版.第491期上的一篇题为What makes us happy的文章,结合该单元话题及welcome to the unit部分。课堂主要的教学活动为“听一首歌”“聊一个话题”“读一篇文章”“写一点人生感悟”。课后我认真地总结反思了这次课前后的所得与不足。组内老师也对
培养学生的写作兴趣,提高学生写作能力的途径是多方面的。提高学生的作文能力,也是每一位教师关注的话题。我在指导学生作文训练的过程中,通过学生在阅读文本的适当时机,让学生随文阅读进行“小练笔”,让学生走进作文的乐园,从而提高作文的教学质量。我认为这是一条提高学生作文能力的有效途径。  一、挖掘内容,进行拓展  小练笔要与阅读教学配合进行,在教学实践中,我针对不同的课文内容进行挖掘,抓准训练点,对课文内
【摘要】在3B英语教学理论的“大教材”观下,贴近层面相关材料的选择,成为重点,本文设想,将具有这些优势的雅思听力植入高中英语听力大教材选材中。  【关键词】3B英语教学法 “大教材”观 雅思听力  一、引言  3B 英语教学法是应英语素质教育改革大环境而生,以建构主义理论为基础,以培养交际能力为方向的新兴教学法。随着近些年来出国热兴起,一些国外考试引起众多关注,如:雅思,托福等。相近层面多种语言材
【摘要】近年来,外国电影多采用了原声加中文字幕放映,电影字幕的翻译由此引起了社会的广泛关注。而通过多元系统理论可以对电影字幕翻译过程中译者受到的来自不同多元系统的规范的制约以及这些规范最终对字幕翻译造成的影响做一描述和解释。  【关键词】外国电影 字幕翻译 多元系统理论  一、张南峰的“扩充的多元系统”理论  多元系统理论最早由伊塔玛·埃文-佐哈尔(Itamar Even-Zohar)提出。香港岭