Comprehensible Input: A Key RoleIn the Second Language Acquisition

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  【Abstract】Gass (1997) once said that the concept of input is the single most important concept of second language acquisition. It is trivial to point out that no individual can learn a second language without input of some sort. And humans acquire language in only one way – by understanding messages, or by receiving “comprehensible input”, which is proved to be extremely important to the second language acquisition. Stephen Krashen’s input hypothesis theory can appear ‘seductive’ to teachers of languages, in that they identify a seemingly clear way forward for language acquisition in the classroom. (Mark Payne, 2011)
  【Key words】comprehensible input; role; second language acquisition
  1. Introduction
  It has been proposed that we acquire language when we understand what we hear and what we read. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis Theory picked up the concept of “comprehensible input” to us. He once said, in order to acquire, two conditions are necessary. The first is comprehensible (or even better, comprehended) input containing i 1, structures a bit beyond the acquirer’s current level, and second, a low or weak affective filter to allow the input ‘in’. From what he said, we notice that the comprehensible input is a key point to the acquisition of the second language.
  This paper is set out as follows. In the next section, Section 2, I discuss Krashen’s input hypothesis and theory of ‘i 1’, as presented by him. In Section 3, I talk about Krashen’s notion of ‘i 1’ into the second language teaching practice through ‘comprehensible input’. In Section 4, the limitations and questions are discussed. And the final section is the conclusion of the whole paper.
  Before embarking upon the rest of this paper, I just want to say something about Stephen Krashen and his theories in general. Krashen would appear to be a significant figure with a certain impact in the world of linguistics, as judged by measures such as his name recognition amongst colleagues and students, and his many publications and citation count. He has a certain resonance with a generation of school practitioners in England. And his theories have attracted some quite strident articles. (Mark Payne, 2011) In this paper, I would like to focus on the particular relevance of one aspect of his theory.
  2. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis Theory
  Krashen’s Input Hypothesis is central to all acquisition. It is Krashen’s attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second language. In other words, this hypothesis is Krashen’s explanation of how second language acquisition takes place. So, the Input hypothesis is only concerned with ‘acquisition’, not ‘learning’. Krashen put forward that learners advance their language learning gradually by receiving “comprehensible input”. He defined comprehensible input as “i 1”: i represents learners’ current stage of knowledge, the next stage is a i 1. By providing comprehensible input which is a bit higher than the learners’ current level, the learners’ LAD will be activated and contribute to acquisition. (戴炜栋,何兆熊,2002:168) According to this hypothesis, the learner improves and progresses along the ’natural order’ when he/she receives second language ’input’ ,that is one step beyond his/her current stage of linguistic competence. For example, if a learner is at a stage ‘i’, then acquisition takes place when he/she is exposed to‘Comprehensible Input’that belongs to level‘i 1’. Since not all of the learners can be at the same level of linguistic competence at the same time, Krashen suggests that natural communicative input is the key to designing a syllabus, ensuring in this way that each learner will receive some‘i 1’ input that is appropriate for his/her current stage of linguistic competence. (Ricardo Schütz, 2007)   According to Krashen, acquisition takes place, when we understand the input-language that contains ‘structure’ that is ‘a little beyond’ where we currently are. The idea is to go for ‘meaning’ over ‘structure’ which, as Krashen points out, may be counter-intuitive i.e. normal practice may see structures taught first and then applied. (Mark Payne, 2011) According to Krashen’s second stage of the input hypothesis, ‘We acquire by understanding language that contains structure a bit beyond our current level of competence (i 1).’ (Krashen, 1987: 21).
  In order for language acquisition to take place, Krashen posits that the teacher uses ‘comprehensible input’ to facilitate language acquisition. He also refers to ‘comprehended’ input. And if the pupil is at a level that we shall call ‘i’, then the aim is for the teacher to raise the level of his/her use of the language to ensure that the pupil is receiving input a bit above ‘i’ and hence pushing up acquisition to the next level ‘ 1’. This, then, is where the term ‘i 1’ stems from: ‘. . . an acquirer can “move” from a stage i (where i is the acquirer’s level of competence) to a stage i 1 (where i 1 is the stage immediately following i along some natural order) by understanding language containing i 1’ (Krashen
【摘要】英语阅读教学是各大专院校最主要的课程之一,然而在阅读教学的方法上,传统的语法翻译法已经越来越不适应现代社会发展的需要。本文结合我校大学英语阅读教学的个案研究实践,试图探究ATE阅读模式在大学英语阅读教学中的运用。  【关键词】ATE阅读模式 大学英语阅读  一、问题的提出  在语言学习的四项基本技能中,阅读作为语言输入方式,是语言学习的基本保证。即使在现阶段强调的以“听、说为主”的大学英语
【摘要】在跨文化交际时,翻译的重要性尤为突出。能否准确把握源语言并用目标语言清晰无误地表达是判断翻译水平高低的重要衡量标准。译文若不能准确传达源语言所要表达的含义,就会造成不必要的误解和疑惑。本文以安徽博物院英文语音导览词为例,讨论了在跨文化语境中解词翻译需要注意的问题和翻译策略。  【关键词】跨文化 导览词 翻译理论 翻译实践  一、引言  中国各地的博物院是外国人了解中国文化的有效窗口,其中系
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【摘要】本文结合2015年《政府工作报告》,从功能对等的角度探讨了相关政治文本在句法层面的翻译策略,例如添加主语、转化、语态转换等。  【关键词】功能对等 政府工作报告 翻译策略  一、引言  在当今和平与发展的主流引导下,我国正逐步加强对外的沟通联系,“走出去”成为我国当今重要的外交策略之一。在走出去的过程中,越来越多的政治类文体出现在翻译领域,政治文本的翻译质量对于我国政治宣传具有极大的重要性
【摘要】大学英语作为高校课程的一个重要组成部门,其所具有的授课学时长、授课时限长等特点,导致传统的教学方法在英语教学中越来越吃力。而混合式教学因其能够将传统教学和网络教学的优势兼而有之,因此将混合式教学运用到大学英语教学中会明显提升英语教学效果。本文以贺州学院的混合式英语教学为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方法分析了贺州学院开展混合式英语教学进行了实证研究,并给出了比较有针对性的建议。  【关键词】混合
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【摘要】因为特定原因,大多数中专生的英语基础弱,学习动机不足。文章主要分析了学生动机不足的原因,并从注重语言能力和采用多样化的教学方式两个方面阐述激发学生学习英语动机的策略。  【关键词】中专英语 动机 策略 激发  在教学中,动机是学生积极参与学习活动的动力,是提高学习效率的催化剂。对于中专生而言,学习动机的激发更显其重要性。中专生大多数成绩差,对英语的学习提不起兴趣,语言技能低下等,归根结底是
【摘要】大学生具有清晰明确的个人意识,对于知识学习的偏好性非常明显。因此这一阶段内,为了达到教学效率,实现教学目标,英语教学不仅仅要重视理论方面的教学,更要重视学生与教师之间的情感交流,以此保证正常的课堂进展顺序。文中重点分析了情感交流在大学英语教学管理过程中发挥的作用,并提出了利用情感交流提高大学英语管理效率的有效方法。  【关键词】情感交流 大学英语 教学管理 重要性  高校教学方法的变化通常
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