Analysis on Symbolism of Names in Jane Eyre

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  Abstract:Through studying the symbolic meaning of names in Jane Eyre,readers has got a clear and comprehensive understanding of the creation process of Jane Eyre.
  Key words:Jane Eyre;symbolism;names
  1 Introduction
  Jane Eyre,one of the most well-known classical works in the nineteenth century aroused great controversy when it was first published.The success Jane Eyre has achieved not only depends on the characteristics of Jane Eyre,as well as the writing style and techniques.Symbolism,one of the techniques makes Charlotte’s novel lively and last from generation to generation.Critic Mrs.Levis pointed out that the greatest distinction between former novels and Jane Eyre is that Jane Eyre is a whole organism combined with symbols and symbolism,not the connection with each plot (Jingguo Luo 76).
  2 The Analysis of Symbolism in Jane Eyre
  2.1 Eyre—the Combination of Eye and Fire
  Researchers hypothesized that the last name“Eyre”is the combination of two symbols “eye”and“fire”in cognitive linguistic aspect(Han 1),they contained a variety of symbolic meanings which make the novel lively and deep.
  2.1.1 Eye
  “Eye”appeared approximately more than seventy times in the novel.Because of Rochester’s special magnetic personality that expressed through his eyes,Jane Eyre was deeply attracted.In Rochester’s eyes,it is easy to find his charm and his emotion.
  His eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now.(Brontё 164)
  Jane Eyre firmly believed the power of eyes which can express emotions,communicate,observe inner heart and even approach to mutual soul.
  I had rendered him...looking down on my face,surveyed me with eyes that revealed a heart full and eager to overflow...(Brontё 254)
  There is no doubt that every expression of Rochester’s eyes touched Jane Eyre’s heart,because it revealed the real feeling of Rochester.
  Lifting his eyes to its battlements,he cast over them a glare,such as I never saw before or since...under his ebony eyebrow...(Brontё 208)
  Even afterwards,Rochester was blind,Jane did not abandon him,and she was willing to become his eyes forever.In the novel,Jane’s eyes—the radiant hazel eyes,also greatly attracted Rochester’s attention.
  ...for it keeps those searching eyes of yours away from my physiognomy,and busies them with the worsted flowers of the rug ...(Brontё 193)
  In Jane Eyre’s mind,Rochester’s eyes brought her warm and happiness,while Mrs.Reed’s eyes were cruel and merciless.   Mrs.Reed surveyed me at times with a severe eye...(Brontё 31)
  2.1.2 Fire
  The symbol“fire”appeared almost hundred times,including stove fire,abstract fire in eyes,the fire from hell,and the fire set by Rochester’s insane wife,etc.They contained a great number of symbolic meanings.It represents the passion and pleasure of love.“Strange energy in his voice,strange fire in his look (Brontё 221)”,this sentence shows readers a kind of Jane Eyre’s feeling after she saved Mr.Rochester,and such feeling originated from the “fire”in Mr.Rochester.
  I wonder what other bridegroom ever looked as he did...ever revealed such flaming and flashing eyes.(Brontё 424)
  The fire in Jane Eyre also represents the enthusiasm of life and the motivation of wisdom and energy.
  ...His countenance reminded one of the lamps quenched...It was not himself that could mow kindle the luster of animated expression:he was dependent on another for that office!(Brontё 651)
  Moreover,the “fire”can refer to the source of warm for Jane.
  This room was chill,because it seldom had a fire...All looked colder and darker...(Brontё 13)
  “Eye”and“fire”in this novel indeed contain plural meanings.In the process of creating Jane Eyre,Charlotte retrospected and contemplated her inner heart on her life.It is natural that she would strip away and resolve such integral symbol“Eyre”into“eye”and“fire”to establish an individual symbolic image.
  2.2 Gateshead—Porch of Life
  Jane Eyre suffered a lot of humiliation and torture in Gateshead.Such a miserable growing circumstance fostered Jane’s early maturity,including her independence,sense of justice and rebellious spirit.Gateshead was the first station—childhood of Jane Eyre.Gateshead,is a town in Tyne and Wear,England.The first recorded mention of Gateshead is in the writings of the Venerable Bede.Theories of the derivation of“Gateshead”include head of the (Roman)“road”and“goat’s headland”,as the River Tyne at this point was once roamed by goats.The original meaning can also be interpreted into the beginning of the road,which refers to the start of Jane’s life.In Jane Eyre,Gateshead represents the first station in the long life journey,which made great contribution to Jane’s charming characteristics.
  2.3 Lowood—Lower World
  Lowood is a town in south-east Queensland,Australia.The name is derived from the “low woods”of brigalow in the Lowood area,as opposed to the taller trees elsewhere in the Brisbane Valley.It finds that low woods usually grow in dark wet place,which refers to the worse circumstance in Jane Eyre.The symbolic meaning of“Lowood”not only gives the reader a clear position of where the school was,but also has a similar pronunciation of “lower world”,which means a terrible life as in the hell.It gives us the full understanding about Jane’s life in such a school and shows the author’s critical attitude toward the charity school.   2.4 Thornfield—a Field Filled with Thorn
  The third phase in Jane Eyre’s life was the day in Thornfield Hall,almost a year.Thornfield was bred by Steve Stavro’s Knob Hill Farm.The Book of Genesis recounts the creation of thorns as one of the punishments for the sin of Adam and Eve.Plants bearing thorns are often used as a defense against burglary,but also used to protect crops and livestock against marauding animals.That means thorn has double aspects,which has vividly represented the life of Jane Eyre in Thornfield.Furthermore,Thorn has a naturally association with rose.“There is no rose without thorns”.Just like the love between Jane and Rochester,mixing with sweets and bitterness.
  2.5 Marsh End—the End of Marshes
  Escaping from Mr.Rochester,Jane was fortunately saved by St.John Rivers.After Jane regained her health in Marsh End,St John Rivers Rivers proposed to her,but Jane refused.“Marsh End”,this image gives us the meaning“the end of marshes”,just as the sentence says“there is always bright sunshine after storming”.
  3 Conclusion
  Symbolism becomes such an outstanding writing skill in Jane Eyre for the evidence listed above,and all the symbolic images or symbols in Jane Eyre function to develop the plot,reach the climax and represent the theme of the novel.
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目的 观察选择性COX-2抑制剂NS-398滴眼液对碱烧伤诱导的兔角膜新生血管的抑制效果,探讨其作用机制。 方法 采用碱烧伤制作兔角膜新生血管模型,随机分为三组:实验Ⅰ组,10
一间教室,能带给孩子们什么?取决于,教室桌椅之外的空白处流动着什么!  我想今天的班主任敘事实的内容就围绕这个主题来展开吧。回顾这学期的班主任生活,我从中体会颇多,其实细细想来,也就一句话概括:让教室充满爱。  爱上教育源于最初的那份与学生真诚相处的快乐。在快乐中我找到了自我,也从中悟出了很多。用一句我与孩子们常说的话“师生之间要相互尊重,相互理解,相互关爱。这句话伴随我与学生们亲密的相处了一年又
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摘 要: 在中小学音乐教育中应用体态律动教育,不仅能使学生用听觉感受到音乐的美,还可以让学生用机体和心灵体验音乐旋律,深刻了解音乐中情感的起伏变化。本文旨在讨论体态律动教学在中小学音乐教育中的应用。  关键词: 体态律动教学 中小学音乐 教学应用  引言  体态律动教学理论是由音乐教育家达尔克罗兹最先提出的。他在音乐教学中,让学生在听音乐的同时,利用各种富有韵律的动作表现音乐,从而提高学生感受音乐
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近几年来,发达的科技文明在提高了人们生存质量的同时,并没有真正提高人们的生命质量,学校出现重智育轻德育现象。尤其是日益多元化的价值取向和各种伦理观念、生活方式,使不少青少年变得自私狭隘,缺乏责任感、同情心,缺乏对社会公益事业的热心,这与德育漠视学生的体验,漠视对学生的心灵和智慧的开发,漠视对学生的情感和人的陶冶不无关系。班主任应以生为本,注重学生人格的发展与完善。  一、树立以生为本的德育意识