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匈牙利农业情报企业是匈牙利农业和食品工业情报中心,实行企业管理,自付盈亏,经济效益显著。我在匈牙利进修期间曾多次参观访问过,现将情况介绍如下。发展历史与现状农业情报企业简称叫农业情报(Agroinform),匈方认为名称要简短易懂,又适应各种语言的翻译。它的前身是1946年成立的农业科学文献中心,1951年由于建立了国家农业图书馆,扩大了业务活动,两年后又开展了农业文献的翻译服务工作,农业情报的活动逐步扩大。1967年开始从事有关农业、食品工业、林业和初级木材加工工业方面的专业咨询服务,1968年体制改革时改为农业和食品工业部情报中心,成为全国统一的农业情报 Hungarian Agricultural Intelligence Enterprise is Hungary’s agricultural and food industry intelligence center, the implementation of enterprise management, self-pay profit and loss, significant economic benefits. During my study in Hungary, I visited many times and I will introduce the situation as follows. Development history and status of agricultural intelligence Enterprise referred to as Agroinform, Hungary that the name should be brief and easy to understand, but also to adapt to various languages ​​of translation. Its predecessor was the Agricultural Science Documentation Center established in 1946. In 1951, as a result of the establishment of the National Agricultural Library, it expanded its business activities. Two years later, it started the translation service of agricultural documents and the activities of agricultural intelligence gradually expanded. In 1967, he began to engage in professional consulting services in the fields of agriculture, food industry, forestry and primary wood processing industry. In 1968, the system reform was changed to the information center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and became the national unified agricultural information
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病历摘要患者王某,女,19岁.1984年2月18日上午8~11时先后3次服铁氰化钾共约85g,服药后口唇麻木、恶心、呕吐.呕吐物为胃内容物.11时30分入院抢救. 体检:体温37.8℃,脉搏130次
龚嘴电厂水轮机增容改造机组出力由100MW 增至110MW,但出现空载和低负荷区压力脉动和噪声问题,通过多次试验,找出问题所在。对不同补气方式在试验室进行对比试验分析研究,提