Analysis of the Female Consciousness in The Scarlet Letter

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  【Abstract】Nathaniel Hawthorne is a famous American writer. He has written some popular novels, one of which is called The Scarlet Letter. It was an extreme success when it was first published in1850. Hawthorne describes “The scarlet letter” about a colonial period’s love tragedy in America. This paper will analyze from the view of female consciousness for three aspects to show the good quality about self-respect, independence, strong will in Hester. These qualities could influent her fate.
  【Key words】female consciousness; self-respect; independence; strong will; pursuit
  【作者簡介】童钰玲(1993- ),女,汉族,新疆石河子人,法学硕士,新疆师范大学,马克思主义学院思想政治教育专业,研究方向:思想政治教育规律与方法。

I. Introduction

  This paper will deal with the female consciousness existing in The Scarlet Letter to reveal that woman’s tragedy is inevitable not only because of the society but also of the woman herself. Women are submissive to the traditional view of femininity without fighting against it.

II. The female consciousness exist in The Scarlet Letter

  Female consciousness stimulates women to pursue independence, initiative and create the motivation to achieve her self-worth. When women realize their situation might be improved through their self-worth.
  1.The self-respect of Hester.
  Hawthorne’s feminist consciousness incisively and vividly reflected in his heroine Hester. The self-respect of Hester is the reflection of her female consciousness. However, the greatest charm of her is her attitude in the face of the life. Therefore, first and foremost women, who respect themselves, can earned the respect of others.
  As a Christian, Hester believes that she violates the “Original Sin” in The Dogma of Christ. So she was willing to bear such punishment in order to reduce her crime.
  Women as a social person, she no longer subservient to the men, she want to use her own conduct, wisdom and ability to dominate her own destiny, create new performance, to build a better future. Her sense of independence is a symbol of her feminine consciousness.
  Simone de Beauvoir said that Women’s requirement of today, it is recognized as the same existent with the men (91). Hester had proved her worth through her own the efforts of independence. Her female consciousness was showed incisively and vividly. Hester’s female consciousness is gradually growing.
  2.Hester Prynne’s sense of independence
  Except the self-respect, the sense of independence also is another constituent of her female consciousness. Hester Penny gave birth to Pearl with a man who is not her husband. The colonial rulers think Hester didn’t have the ability to be a good mother whose soul is not clean and there is something wrong with the quality of the woman. By this reason, they wanted to deprive of the custody of the Pearl. Intense and pure love prompted Hester defy the rulers, in order to regain her only child. She defended the rights of a woman as a mother. This is the important step of her female consciousness’ growing. In this process, the female consciousness is gradually mature in her mind.   3.The strong will of Hester Prynne
  Hester was persecuted by the religious forces, so that she became a strong independent woman from a weak woman. She herself was from the drastic young woman pursuit of love transformed into a rational mature woman. Hester shifted in thinking also means that her female consciousness had recovered. This strong quality of her can give her power after her tasted the unbearable suffering of ordinary people, but also could optimistic in finding her new life.

III. Conclusion

  All of these encourage women to please the men. They still in the subordinate position (Simone de Beauvoir 196). The gradual awakening of Hester’s feminist consciousness has influenced her judgment and decision, and has changed her own destiny. improved her environment through her own efforts. Therefore, Women are able to improve their position and environment through their own efforts. Causing of women’s tragic fate, on the one hand is a social factor, but on the other hand is the cause of themselves.
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  [2].Simone de Beauvoir.郑克鲁,译.The Second Sex[M].上海:上海译文出版社,2011:91.
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