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我是一名普普通通的美术教师,怀抱着一颗热诚的心步入教育事业。1993年我分配到武汉市东西湖三店学校至今有23年,三店学校是一所农村学校,孩子们很小就和泥巴结缘,经常看到学生拿着自己动手做的小泥塑送给我,很让我心动。于是在1996年,我在学校成立了陶艺兴趣小组,刚开始从初一到初三就10来个学生。当时,陶艺在我们区是比较陌生的学科,也没有相应的材料,更没有合适的工具。最初的一年,学生的作品几乎都是泥塑,算不上陶艺。 I am an ordinary art teacher, embarked on a passionate heart into education. In 1993, I assigned to Wuhan Dongshanghu three stores school for 23 years now, three stores in the school is a rural school, the children grew up and mud, often see the students holding their own hand made small clay to me , It makes me heart. So in 1996, I set up a hobby group in pottery in the school, and started from the first to the third day to 10 students. At that time, pottery in our area is a stranger discipline, there is no corresponding material, but no suitable tools. In the first year, almost all of the students’ works were clay and clay, not counting pottery.
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Our school life is very colorful.There are many kinds of activities from 4:00 to 5:00in every afternoon~①.We can play basketball,football and others~②sports g
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石印大约在1832年由外国传教士带入我国,严格讲与我国文化发生关系,是1879年点石斋的活动开始。现在我们影印古籍用胶印。胶印源自石印,而且在版面设计上也跟随当时。 Stone
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