Study on the Roots of “Marketplace” language of Pan Jinlian in The Golden Lotus

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lleii
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  【Abstract】There are many typical characteristics in “The Golden Lotus”, Pan Jinlian is undoubtedly the most outstanding. Pan jinlian’s words have a characteristic of the “Marketplace” language, which is embodied in the use of coarse language and allegorical sayings. There are three elements which influence this linguistic feature: one is the influence of social morality; second, the influence of Pan Jinlian’s own experience; The 3rd is the environment of Ximen Qing’s family.
  【Key words】Pan Jinlian; “Marketplace” language; linguistic feature
  The description of The Golden Lotus is a picture of the late Ming dynasty society, in The Golden Lotus, many women showed the female characters different, they open, indulgence, defying ritual constraints. Their words will also be influenced by such an open society, full of urban characteristics. In The Golden Lotus, Pan Jinlian makes extensive use of coarse language and allegorical sayings, her language is full of urban characteristics.
  There are three elements which influence this linguistic feature: one is the influence of social morality; second, the influence of pan Jinlian’s own experience; the 3rd is the environment of Ximen Qing’s family.
  Firstly, the social atmosphere of the late Ming dynasty had a profound influence on the formation of Pan Jinlian’s communicative language. The social atmosphere of the late Ming dynasty is no longer as honest and simple as the early Ming dynasty. This period was characterized by timeserving and luxury. Influenced by the commodity economy, the social values and social trends of this period have undergone great changes. People tend to put more emphasis on business and profit, and the status of “profit” in people’s mind has been greatly improved. At the same time, the world and human relations have also undergone great changes, the traditional ethics and morals have been shaken, the early Ming dynasty society is characterized by simple, after the middle of the Ming dynasty, human relations are indifferent. the traditional ethical concept is also facing challenges. Moreover, the loose political rule and the decline of Neo-Confucianism in the late Ming dynasty also effected the change of social atmosphere. The description of The Golden Lotus is such a late Ming dynasty society.we can see above mentioned phenomena from the novel. Pan Jinlian lived in this society, she was sold to sell, had went through the vicissitudes of life and inconstancy of human relationships, and fully experienced the world of indifference and scheme, and influenced by this atmosphere, Pan Jinlian must have a venomous seed in her heart, after marrying Ximen Qing, compared to Ximen Qing’s other wives, Pan Jinlian is more sophisticated, her behavior and language are full of scheme and plot, she also knew only reply on those can base on this big family.   Secondly, Pan Jinlian’s own experience is the direct cause of her linguistic characteristics. Pan jinlian’s life experience is very pitiful. In the 24th volume, the author describes Pan Jinlian’s life, appearance and marital status in a general way. It is benefit from those experiences that Pan Jinlian is able to achieve success one way or another after she married Ximen Qing. it is because there is such a life experience, Pan Jinlian could have a deep understanding of communication tools, also can more access to the indulgent society. She was gradually becoming lubricious, vicious, charming and cunning through those experiences. Moreover, years of market life must have given her a deep understanding of the customs of the market, so it is not surprising that she can use a lot of vulgar words and allegorical sayings in her language.
  Finally, the family situation of Ximen is also an important factor forming the linguistic characteristics of Pan Jinlian. In the Ximen’s family, Ximen Qing is more to participate in the business and officialdom, so servants are the intermediaries between Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing. Living in such an environment, Pan Jinlian is hard to avoid the influence of many servants, people are mostly local ruffians and hooligans without education, their language is originally the market, compared to other wives and concubines,The large number of contacts with servants is an important reason for the vulgar language of Pan Jinlian.
  Pan Jinlian’s language contains a large number of coarse words and allegorical sayings, which are caused by the character of pan jinlian, is also an important characteristic of her as an urban woman. It can be said that Pan jinlian’s language is unique in The Golden Lotus. The “Marketplace” language of Pan Jinlian is distinctive, The allegorical sayings and curses in Pan Jinlian’s language are also unique with personal characteristics and characteristics of the Times.It is not only related to Pan Jinlian’s own experience and living environment, but also the a product of that society and culture.
【摘要】写作是学生学习并掌握英语语言知识综合水平的重要体现,在高考中亦占据着较大的比重,因此,历来受到教师和学生的重视。随着新课程改革政策的落实,人们的教学思想得到了极大地解放,思维愈发开阔和灵活,故而,针对于如何实现这一目标的教学方法也越来越丰富起来。以下,筆者便对三者不同方法的教学作为核心内容,对其具体过程和模式做以下探讨。  【关键词】高中英语;写作能力;课堂教学  【作者简介】陈岚,甘肃省
【摘要】从《马氏文通》模仿西洋语法建立了第一个汉语语法体系,到后来的各种语言学理论的引进,譬如结构主义理论、转换生成理论、直接成分分析理论等,汉语的研究这一百多年来都是从英语的视角进行的,而从汉语的角度来看英文的相关研究则少之又少。汉英两种语言中,量词是汉语所特有的,而英文词类中是没有量词一说。本文拟从汉语角度来比较汉英两种语言中的“量词”,以期发现差异,进而对翻译提供启发。  【关键词】汉英量词
【摘要】本文以农村初中英语教学现状为切入点,从“立足学生的生活实际开展教学”“丰富学生的英语视野范围”“给予学生积极肯定与鼓励”三个方面入手,针对激发农村初中学生英语学习兴趣的有效策略进行了初步分析与探索。  【关键词】初中英语;学习兴趣;农村学校;生活实际;丰富视野;肯定、鼓励  【作者简介】杨礼慧,四川成都邛崃市拱辰初级中学校。  身为一名农村初中英语教师,我发现不少农村地区的学生对英语学习缺
【摘要】现代社会经济发展在飞速前进,一些合作项目的操作都是中外合资或者中外合作的,所以在拟定合同或者翻译合同时就要注意其中的翻译技巧。本文就国际经济贸易合同中的翻译方法、技巧、策略等,提出一些自己的建议,以帮助在合同拟定时保证翻译的有效性以及准确性。  【关键词】国际经济贸易;翻译技巧;贸易合同  【作者简介】马欣欣,对外经济贸易大学。  随着新时代的发展进步,世界经济逐渐走向全球化,各国之间的贸
【摘要】随着现代社会的快速发展,英语已经成为社会生产与发展中较为重要的一部分,其在教育中的受重视程度也有所提升,为了在最大程度上提高英语教学有效性,教师就必须要改变传统教学方法,为学生学习质量提升创造良好条件。本文将结合实际情况,对初中英语教学中小组合作学习方法的有效应用进行详细分析,以期为今后开展的教育工作提供宝贵参考。  【关键词】初中英语教学;小学合作学习;策略  【作者简介】张浩骞,甘肃省
【摘要】本文从混合式教学在高职英语课堂中的实际应用入手,从教学资源整合、教学分析、教学策略、教学过程四个方面出发,以课前、课中、课后为时间主线,利用真实的教学案例详细地介绍了混合式教学的高职教学中的具体应用方法。  【关键词】混合式教学;高职英语;《Job Interview》  【作者简介】刘莹(1983.01-),女,汉族,山东淄博人,山东轻工职业学院信息工程系,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语课程
【摘要】随着高考改革,更加注重学生核心素养的培养,这个时代的学生应该具有创造力、责任感和个性,具有相应的科学素养,数学思维素养,阅读素养以及未来领导力。浸入式英语能够在各个层面满足培养学生各个核心素养的要求和发展平台,想要提高学科素养就不能将课程设置仅仅局限于一个学科内容中,应当使学生能够跨越学科的界限,进行知识的有效融合,达成新的平衡点。  【关键词】浸入式英语;核心素养;培养与实践  【作者简
【摘要】英语绘本是以图片为主,文字为辅并且具有一定的故事情节的阅读文本,英语绘本在小学的英语阅读教学中起到至关重要的作用,其内容更贴近学生的实际生活,更容易激发学生学习英语的兴趣,从而有助于提高小学生英语阅读的能力。  【关键词】小学;英语绘本;阅读教学;策略  【作者简介】高莉,江苏省邳州市英华实验小学。  英语绘本当中具有鲜明的色彩图片,情节有趣的故事,在小学英语启蒙阶段利用绘本开展英语阅读教