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史坦恩(Lorenz von Stein,1815-1890),1841年在基尔大学获得法学博士后,前往法国巴黎进行法制史研究,受到当时社会主义与共产主义影响,进而研究社会思想以及社会变迁,1850年出版《1789年以来法国社会运动史》奠定其学术地位。1855年起,担任维也纳大学政治经济学教职,陆续发表国家学四大体系研究:社会理论、经济理论、行政理论、财政理论,并以“社会改革君王制”(soziales Koenigtum)作为实践机制,成为国家学研究的著名学者,其学术影响力甚至扩及当时的日本明治维新宪政。史坦恩的理论特点在于阐述社会与国家间的互动关系,借由社会概念及其构成要素的分析,分析社会秩序及其变动终究难逃对立与斗争的矛盾,进而论述国家存在的必要与任务在于持续的社会改革。这种基于社会生活事实所建立的国家观,承认个人自由与私有制,同时从事社会改革,积极调和社会利益,使史坦恩的国家理念不仅不同于当时的共产主义与社会主义,也有别于自由主义,他今日更被誉为德国社会国与行政国的思想先驱。在今天中国学界重新思考国家、社会角色分配的时刻,引入和研究史坦恩具有很重要的理论和现实意义。 Lorenz von Stein (1815-1890), after receiving his JD from Keele University in 1841, traveled to Paris, France for the study of the history of legal history, influenced by the socialism and communism at that time, and then studied social thoughts and social changes. In 1850 Published “History of Social Movement in France since 1789” laid its academic status. Since 1855, he has been teaching political sciences at the University of Vienna and successively published four major systems of national studies: social theory, economic theory, administrative theory and fiscal theory. In addition, they have adopted “soziales Koenigtum” as their practice Mechanism, becoming a famous scholar of national studies, its academic influence even expanded to the then Meiji Restoration Constitutionalism. Stein’s theory is characterized by the interaction between society and state, by analyzing the social concept and its components, analyzing the contradiction between the social order and its changes after all, and then discussing the necessity and tasks of the state It is a sustained social reform. This concept of state based on the facts of social life recognizes individual freedom and private ownership while engaging in social reforms and actively reconciling social interests so that Stein’s concept of the state is not only different from communism and socialism at the time but also different from freedom Today, he is even more prestigious today as the ideological pioneer of the state and state of Germany. In today’s Chinese academic community, it is of momentous theoretical and practical significance to introduce and study Stein to rethink the distribution of state and social roles.
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