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现代的炼焦炉很象一大座没有窗子的平顶楼房,有两层楼那么高,几十米长。在炼焦炉的中部上方,高耸着一个煤塔。皮带输送机,源源不断地把煤料送入煤塔。煤料是粉末状的,是由几种不同的煤按适宜比例配合在一起磨碎制成的。在炼焦炉炉顶,有一台煤车。它从煤塔那里装满煤,不时在炉顶上移动着,通过炼焦炉顶的一些小圆孔,给炼焦炉“上煤”。煤的遭遇那末,炼焦炉中的煤料究竟是怎样变成焦炭的呢?我们再进一步看看炼焦炉的构造。这个一大座房子似的炼焦炉,是由并排的一个个狭窄的小室——炭化室和燃烧室组 The modern coke oven is very much like a large flat-top floor without windows. It has two floors and is tens of meters long. Above the middle of the coke oven, a coal tower towers high. Belt conveyors continuously send coal to the coal tower. The coal material is in the form of powder and is made up of several different coals that are ground together in a suitable ratio. At the top of the coke oven, there is a coal car. It fills the coal tower with coal and moves from place to place on the roof of the coal mine. The coke oven is “coaled” through small round holes in the top of the coke oven. What happened to the coal, how did the coal in the coke oven become coke? Let’s take a closer look at the structure of the coke oven. This large house-like coke oven is made up of side-by-side, narrow chambers - the charring room and the combustor group.
目的:研究下丘脑精氨酸血管加压素( A V P) 和其 V2 受体与 A V P 依赖性水通道水孔蛋白2( A Q P2 )在阿霉素肾病综合征大鼠肾脏表达的情况,及中药黄芪对此的影响。 方法:下丘脑 A V P m R N A 检
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