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为了增强高职思想政治理论课教学实效性,我们从改革教学方法为起点,对在高职思想政治理论课教学中实施案例教学法的必要性进行了一定的分析,它最主要的必要性方面在案例教学法适应高职思想政治理论课的基本属性性质、能够提高高职思想政治理论课师生间的互动、增强高职思想政治理论课教学内容的现实针对性、与当代高职大学生的思维特点和心理需求等方面相契合。 In order to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching of ideological and political theory in higher vocational education, we start with the reform of teaching methods and analyze the necessity of implementing the case teaching method in the teaching of ideological and political theory in higher vocational education. The most important necessity In the case teaching method to adapt to the basic attributes of higher vocational education in ideological and political theory, can improve the interaction between teachers and students in higher vocational education and ideological and political theory, to enhance the reality of ideological and political theory of higher vocational teaching content of practical relevance, and contemporary vocational college students Thinking characteristics and psychological needs and other aspects of fit.
运用商业广告作促销手段的方法古已有之。 如今, 为适应市场经济不断发展和市场竞争不断加剧的形势, 商家自然更加重视广告的运作和广告的效应。 而提高广告的文化品位是发挥广
如果说,始于 1978年的改革开放是中国与现代国际社会第一次握手的话;那么,加入世界贸易组织将是中国与世界的全面接轨、全面拥抱。中国加入世贸,不仅影响世贸,而且不可避免地要改变每
序言: 如果一家外国厂商想在欧盟推销和经营其产品,他们可以采用各种各样的方式,但是,在采取重大商业举措,投人大量的资源和精力之前,他们通常先通过一定的商业中介组织来探测当地
High-resistivity β-Ga_2O_3 thin films were grown on Si-doped n-type conductive β-Ga_2O_3 single crystals by molecular beam epitaxy(MBE).Vertical-type Schottky
利用塑性稳定性分析理论研究了内高压成形工艺中出现的塑性屈曲失效力学行为。结果表明在一定的范围内 ,随着内压的增加 ,轴向临界屈曲载荷随着递增 ,为内高压成形工艺提供了
运用“阶段性行为改变模式”的理论 ,对郴州市四所大专学校学生的体育锻炼行为的阶段性特点进行了调查研究 .研究结果表明 ,大学生完全不参加体育锻炼者占调查人数的 34 .2 0
鹤峰县城特色经济以民营经济为依托,增强了经济活力和发展实力,为鹤峰县的工业化、产业化、城镇化发展之路奠定了扎实的基础。 Based on the private economy, Hefeng Count