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习题教学是物理教学中的重要组成部分,在习题的选择上应突出“一个好的习题,就是一个科学问题”。学生是否会做题成为高中物理教学质量的重要评价指标之一,在习题教学中通过对所学知识的复述、深化和应用,使学生达到知识的巩固、内化,发展学生的认知结构,进而起到提高培养学生的分析问题和解决问题的能力;同时习题教学应注重学生解决问题的过程,关注对学生对物理思想的理解、对物理方法的掌握、对物理建模能力的培养以及良好思维习惯的养 Exercises teaching is an important part of physics teaching, the choice of exercises should be highlighted “A good exercise is a scientific problem ”. Whether students will do the question becomes one of the important evaluation indexes of high school physics teaching quality, through the repetition, deepening and application of the knowledge learned in the exercise teaching, make the students achieve the consolidation and internalization of knowledge, develop the students’ cognitive structure, And then play the role of improving the students’ ability of analyzing and solving problems. At the same time, the exercises should pay attention to the process of students’ problem solving, pay attention to students’ understanding of physical thought, mastery of physical methods, cultivation of physical modeling ability and good The habit of thinking
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An investigation of computer simulation is presented to analyze the effects of strain localization and damage evolution inlarge plastic deformation. The simula
拜耳作物科学分部和拜耳环境科学近日宣布其Trib-uteTM Tota(l活性成分:酮脲磺草吩酯+甲酰胺磺隆+氯吡嘧磺隆)获美国批准用于结缕草。Tribute Total是一种新型的芽后除草剂,
平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cell,VSMC)的迁移对血管发育、动脉粥样硬化和术后再狭窄等起到关键性的作用。主要从激发VSMC迁移的关键炎性细胞因子、细胞间相互作用的
●民国外交人系列●  本系列主持 石源华    除夕夜的枪声    1939年2月18日,农历除夕上海法租界愚园668弄25号,一家宽敞的花园式洋楼内,热闹非凡,笼罩在节日的气氛中  洋楼主人陈箓,刚刚从南京赶回来,准备在家过年和祭祖洋楼外面已是华灯初上,离7点祭祖大典还有一点时间,陈箓惬意地躺在客厅的沙发上,品茗沉思,闭目养神突然,客厅门外闪进两个手持手枪穿门卫制服的年轻人陈箓刚要张嘴问话,其中