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数学教学不是创造数学知识,而是创造师生对于数学知识的理解过程。从这个意义上说,教师的价值主要体现在转化知识的形态。形式化的表述、抽象的思考、准确的定义、严密的推理,这是数学知识的学术形态。大胆的猜想、火热的思考、自信的表达、生动的展示,这是数学知识的教学形态。有效的数学教学过程,其实就是教师在理解知识的基础上,深入思考、挖掘学术形态下数学知识的思想文化内涵,将其转化为教学形态,帮助学生经历探索的过程,把学术形态的数学知识内化入自己的认知结构。 Mathematical teaching is not to create mathematical knowledge, but to create teachers and students understand the process of mathematical knowledge. In this sense, the value of teachers is mainly reflected in the form of knowledge transformation. Formal expressions, abstract thinking, accurate definition, strict reasoning, which is the academic form of mathematical knowledge. Bold conjecture, fiery thinking, confident expression, vivid display, which is the mathematical form of teaching knowledge. Effective teaching process of mathematics, in fact, is based on teachers’ understanding of knowledge, in-depth thinking, mining ideological and cultural connotation of mathematical knowledge under the academic form, to transform it into a teaching form to help students go through the process of exploration, the academic mathematical knowledge Internalize into your own cognitive structure.
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