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长期以来,对我们的小学语文教学都一直在进行着相关的变革,对于其中的作文教学一直是让广大教学同仁头疼的难题,而作文教学作为小学语文教学中的重中之重,提高它的教学质量是我们亟需解决的问题。在当前新课程改革的大背景下,我们要抓住契机、顺应潮流,提高作文课堂的教学质量,培养学生的写作兴趣,让学生在老师的引导下写出真情实感且高质量的好文章,以及具备新时代所要求的语文素养。一、培养学生的写作兴趣 For a long time, the Chinese teaching in primary schools have all been undergoing relevant changes. The teaching of composition in them has always been a problem for the majority of teaching colleagues. Writing education, as the top priority in Chinese teaching in primary schools, Teaching quality is an issue we need to solve urgently. Under the background of the current reform of the new curriculum, we should seize the opportunity, follow the trend, improve the quality of teaching in composition classrooms, cultivate students' interest in writing and allow students to write good articles with true feelings and high quality under the guidance of teachers. As well as with the new era of language proficiency required. First, develop students' writing interest
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