
来源 :医疗装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiward
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安全问题是最重要的,温度失控是不安全因素之一。温度过高易造成设备受损,甚至酿成火险及伤害人员。因此仪器设备中加有热保护是很必要的,对于医用设备尤为必要。使用热敏开关是一种有效的过热保护方法。一、热敏开关简介热敏开关又称温度继电器,通过周围环境温度而影响双? The safety issue is the most important issue. The loss of temperature is one of the unsafe factors. Excessive temperatures can cause damage to the equipment and cause fire hazards and injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to add thermal protection to the instrument and equipment, which is especially necessary for medical equipment. The use of a thermal switch is an effective method of overheating protection. First, the introduction of thermal switches Thermal switches, also known as temperature relays, through the ambient temperature and affect the double?
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Many scientists believe that alien civilisations exist.So let’s imagine that we suddenly stand face-to-face with members of an alien species.What would we do f
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This paper would introduce the translation thoughts of Howard Goldblatt from the following points,works selection,translation methods and strategies,the relatio
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