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三宝,不折不扣时尚酷哥。有辆靓车,敞篷的沙滩吉普;玩的是“Zipp”打火机,扁扁的纯银酒瓶;浑身散发着“C·12”或“CHANEL”的香水味儿;有许多女朋友,其实也没什么大不了的,只是和她们聊天、喝茶、说话,假如有进一步发展的话,那肯定也不是这小子主动。他的音乐更时尚:从《我的眼里只 Sambo, out of fashion cool guy. There are cars, convertible beach Jeep; play is “Zipp ” lighters, flat silver wine bottle; exude “C 12 ” or “CHANEL ” perfume flavor; Many girlfriends, in fact, no big deal, just chatting with them, drinking tea, talking, if further development, then certainly not this kid initiative. His music is more fashion: from "my eyes only
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Many scientists believe that alien civilisations exist.So let’s imagine that we suddenly stand face-to-face with members of an alien species.What would we do f
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This paper would introduce the translation thoughts of Howard Goldblatt from the following points,works selection,translation methods and strategies,the relatio