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2014年12月7日,上海语文学会2014年学术年会暨第四届上海青年语言学论坛召开,年会由上海语文学会、上海语文学会青年语言学者专业委员会主办,华东师范大学对外汉语学院承办。上午,与会代表表决通过会长游汝杰的大会报告和《上海市语文学会章程(2014修订版)》,并无记名投票选举出第13届上海语文学会理事会。第13届理事会第1次全体会议选 On December 7, 2014, the Shanghai Language and Literature Society Annual Conference 2014 and the Fourth Shanghai Youth Linguistics Forum were held. The annual meeting was hosted by the Shanghai Language Institute and the Shanghai Language Institute Young Language Scholar Professional Committee. The East China Normal University Institute of Chinese as Foreign Language . In the morning, the delegates voted through the conference report of President You Rujie and the “Rules of Shanghai Language Institute (2014 Revised Edition)” and voted to elect the 13th Shanghai Language and Culture Institute Council. The 13th Council of the first plenary session
Problematic phosphatic tubular microfossils with ornamented sculptures are documented to exist in limestones of the up-per Middle Cambrian Huaqiao Formation at
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The International Geological Congress held every four years is a grand event for displaying the latest achievements in geological science and technology and car
The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe the evolution of a continuum field in its way of coarse-grainin