Life Is The Coffee

来源 :初中生学习指导·中考版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HNLYLKT
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  A group of university students visited their old professor(教授). During their visit, the conversation turned to work. The students were complaining about their problems and expressed how stressed they were in work and in life. After offering coffee to his guests, the professor went to the kitchen and came back with a coffee pot and many different cups—porcelain(陶瓷), glass, plastic and crystal(水晶).
  Some cups were simple and other ones expensive. The professor asked them to pick out their cups first.When the students picked out their favorite cups, the professor explained, “Notice how all the beautiful cups were picked out and the simple and cheap ones were left.”
  “Wanting only the best things for yourself is the reason for your problems and stress. You need to understand that the cup doesn’t make the coffee better. Actually, all that you wanted was the coffee, not the cup.But you consciously(有意识地) chose the best cups, and then looked to see what cups others picked.”
  “Life is the coffee. Your job, money, position in society…they are the cups. They are just tools to hold life, and do not change the quality(品质) of life. Sometimes, by only focusing on the cups, we forget to enjoy the taste of coffee. The happiest people are not those who have the best things, but those who enjoy life and make the most of what they have.”
  Hearing this, none of them said a word. They had learned another important life lesson from their old professor—that true happiness means enjoying life and not worrying about unimportant things.
  1. How did these students feel about their work and life?
  A. They felt stressed.    B. They felt satisfied.    C. They felt happy.
  2. Why did the professor ask the students to pick out different cups?
  A. Because he wanted to show cups make a difference to coffee.
  B. Because he hoped they could relax with their cups and coffee.
  C. Because he wanted to tell them the true meaning of happiness.
  Keys :AC
中国有句老话说,“创业难,守业更难”。在守“国家”这个大业上,中国历史上留下了众多佳话。下面,让我们一起读经典,知故事,得智慧,立品行。   古文赏读  【甲】商鞅变秦法,恐民不信,乃募民徙三丈之木而予五十金。有一人徙之,辄予金,乃下令。吴起治西河,欲谕其信于民,夜置表①于南门之外,令于邑中曰:“有人能偾②表者,仕之长大夫。”民相谓曰:“此必不信。”有一人曰:“试往偾表,不得赏而已,何伤?”往
在解决与相似三角形有关的问题时,有的题目没有给出明确的对应关系,求解时需要根据可能存在的情况分类讨论求解,下面举例说明.  一、求线段长度中的多解  例1 如图1,AB,CD都是BD的垂线,AB = 4,CD = 6,BD = 14,P是BD上一点,连接AP,CP,所得两个三角形相似,则BP的长是 .  解析:题中只说“两个三角形相似”,并没有指明对应顶点,可能存在△ABP∽△PDC和
正方形网格试题具有趣味性、直观性、可操作性,体现了“在玩中学,在学中思,在思中得”的课标理念. 在正方形网格中判定相似三角形问题一直是中考的热点,下面举例介绍.  例(2020·浙江·湖州)在每个小正方形边长均为1的网格图形中,每个小正方形的顶点称为格点,顶点都是格点的三角形称为格点三角形. 如图1,已知Rt△ABC是6 × 6网格图形中的格点三角形,则该图中所有与Rt△ABC相似的格点三角形中,
近年来,中考试卷中出现了一些形式新颖的二元一次方程组应用题,如图表方案题、实物信息题、答案开放题等,有效考查了考生必须掌握的知识点、数学思想方法,以及迅速获取图文信息的能力.  一、图表方案题  例1(2021·浙江·宁波)某通讯公司就手机流量套餐推出三种方案,如下表:  [ A方案 B方案 C方案 每月基本费用/元 20 56 266 每月免费使用流量/兆 1024 m 无限 超出后每兆收费/元
1.如图1,在平行四边形ABCD中,∠A = 60°,∠AED = 60°,AB = 4,动点P从点E出发沿[E—B—C]的方向向终点[C]以[2 cm/s]的速度运动,动点[Q]同时从点[E]出发沿[E]—[D]以[1 cm/s]的速度向终点[D]运动,当其中一点到达终点时,另外一点也停止运动. 点[P],[Q]运动的路线与线段[PQ]围成的图形的面积为[S]([cm2]). 若已知点[P]运动
对于初中几何的学习,我们除了需要掌握课本中的定义、定理等基本知识外,还要对一些基本模型进行积累,下面给同学们介绍一个基本模型:“一线三等角”.  一、引例  例1 (2020·湖南·长沙)如图1,在矩形ABCD中,E为DC边上一点,把△ADE沿AE翻折,使点D恰好落在BC边上的点F. 求证:△ABF∽△FCE.  例2 如图2,等腰梯形ABCD中,AB = CD,AD[?]BC,点E在AD上,且
一、put on表示“穿戴”的动作,其后接鞋、袜、衣帽等名词作宾语;宾语若是代词须放在put与on之间。如:  It’s very cold outside. You’d better put on your coat. 外面很冷,你最好穿上外衣。  The socks are here. Please put them on. 袜子在这儿,请穿上。  二、wear常作及物动词,表示“穿着”的状态
相似三角形在中考中占有重要的地位,其性质与判定在解题中有着广泛的应用.其中,“相似三角形的面积比等于相似比的平方”在计算图形的面积、求线段的大小等问题中往往有事半功倍的效果,下面举例介绍.  一、求反比例函数的系数k  例1(2020·贵州·遵义)如图1,△ABO的顶点A在函数[y=kx]([x>0])的图象上,∠ABO = 90°,过AO边的三等分点M,N分别作x轴的平行线交AB于点P,Q. 若
引例 (人教版数学9年级上册第102页第12题)如图1,AB是⊙O的直径,C是⊙O上的一点,AD和过点C的切线互相垂直,垂足为D,求证:AC平分∠BAD.  思路1:根据“有切点连半径”,连接OC,根据“切线垂直于过切点的半径”,得到OC[?]AD.(请同学们自己完成证明过程.)  思路2:联想到切线长定理,构造另一条⊙O的切线:过点A作⊙O的另一条切线,交CD于点E. (请同学们自己完成证明过程
most有“最多的”含义,它的用法也不少。它可用作形容词,表示“最多的”;也可用作副词,表示“很、十分”;还可以用作名词,表示“大多数、大部分”。  一、most用作形容词  1. 用作many,much的最高级,其前可加the,也可不加the,表示“最多的”,后接可数名词或不可数名词。例如:  That boy had the most food for breakfast. 那男孩早餐吃的食物