On the hydrodynamics of hydraulic machinery and flow control

来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zty85633278
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Hydraulic machinery mainly includes turbine and pump, which is closely related to national economy and people’s livelihood involving aerospace industry, marine engineering, hydropower engineering, petroleum industry, chemical industry, mining industry, biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, agricultural water-soil engineering, etc.. The internal flow of hydraulic machinery is extremely complex, and its characteristics can be summarized as high Reynolds number, multi-scales, inhomogeneous and vortex-dominant unsteady turbulence which interact with the rotating dynamic boundary(rotor blade). Based on the analysis of the internal flow characteristics of hydraulic machinery, the author and his research team successively proposed a rotation correction model, a curvature corrected filter-based model, a scalable detached eddy simulation method, and a non-linear hybrid RANS/LES turbulence model to capture unsteady flow structures and then predict hydraulic performance and dynamic characteristics more accurately. According to the analysis on the internal flow, the corresponding flow control measures were put forward. It was verified by experiments that these methods could significantly improve the hydraulic performance, anti-cavitation performance and dynamic characteristics(pressure pulsation and vibration) of hydraulic machinery in a certain range of operating conditions. In addition, the mechanism how flow control measures influence internal flow was analyzed in depth, aiming at finding a feasible and effective way to improve hydraulic performance, anti-cavitation performance and dynamic characteristics of hydraulic machinery. Hydraulic machinery mainly includes turbine and pump, which is closely related to national economy and people’s livelihood involving aerospace industry, marine engineering, hydropower engineering, petroleum industry, chemical industry, mining industry, biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, agricultural water-soil engineering, etc The internal flow of hydraulic machinery is extremely complex, and its characteristics can be summarized as high Reynolds number, multi-scales, inhomogeneous and vortex-dominant unsteady turbulence which interact with the rotating dynamic boundary (rotor blade). Based on the analysis of the internal flow characteristics of hydraulic machinery, the author and his research team successively proposed a rotation correction model, a curvature corrected filter-based model, a scalable detached eddy simulation method, and a non-linear hybrid RANS / LES turbulence model to capture unsteady flow structures and then predict hydraulic performance and dynamic c It was verified by experiments that these methods could significantly significantly improve the hydraulic performance, anti-cavitation performance and dynamic characteristics (pressure pulsation and vibration) of hydraulic machinery in a certain range of operating conditions. In addition to the mechanism how flow control measures influence internal flow was analyzed in depth, aiming at finding a feasible and effective way to improve hydraulic performance, anti-cavitation performance and dynamic characteristics of hydraulic machinery.
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我一生最痛苦的当然是“文化大革命”的时候。其实即使在那个处境,也总相信问题是能够解决的。前几年外国朋友问我为什么能度过那个时期,我说没有别的,就是乐观主义。  ---1984年3月25日邓小平会见日本首相中曾根康弘时的谈话    邓小平在这里说的外国朋友至少有两位,第一位是日本政坛上的著名社会活动家河野洋平,1977年9月他来到北京,当面向邓小平请教:我想阁下是在极其困难的情况下坚持自己的信念而生