读书识草原——《内蒙古旅游文化丛书》评介 文化是旅游业发展之魂

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《内蒙古旅游文化丛书》的出版发行,对自治区旅游业的发展非常有意义。其一,文化是旅游业发展之魂。旅游业是新兴产业,其定位有人说是经济产业,有人说是文化产业,还有人说是外向型经济产业,或可干脆叠加起来称之为外向型文化性经济产业,可见文化对旅游发展的重要性。一个地区、一个景区旅游产品的文化内涵就像血液,内涵越丰富,产品就越丰满,吸引力就越强,否则就苍白无力。《丛书》的出版发行就是帮我们输血、塑魂的,其作用和影响会随着发行量和读者的增加越来越大。其二,为我区旅游文化研究发展带了一个好头。过去也曾见到一些介绍内蒙古旅游的书籍,但缺乏系统性、完整性。这套丛书第一次从服务旅游业的角度,完整系统地介绍了我区历史文化旅游资源,成为旅游资源开发、旅游宣传促销的坚实有力的文化支撑,为今后更多更好的优 The publication and publication of “Inner Mongolia Tourism Culture Series” is of great significance to the development of the tourism industry in the autonomous region. First, culture is the soul of tourism development. Tourism is a new industry. Some people say that it is an economic industry. Some people say that it is a cultural industry. Some people say that it is an export-oriented economy. Or it can simply be called an export-oriented cultural economy. importance. A region, a scenic tourist product of cultural connotation like blood, the more connotation, the more plump products, the stronger the attraction, otherwise pale and feeble. The publication and distribution of “Books” is to help us blood transfusion, plastic soul, its role and influence will increase with circulation and readers. Second, it brought a good start for the research and development of tourism and culture in our district. In the past, I have also seen some books on tourism in Inner Mongolia, but they lack systematicness and completeness. This series for the first time from the perspective of tourism services, a complete and systematic introduction of the historical and cultural tourism resources in our region, a tourism resources development, tourism promotion and promotion of a solid and powerful cultural support for the future more and better
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