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长江三角洲位于我国东部沿海开放地区和沿江产业密集带的结合部,江海交汇,南北居中,具有得天独厚的区位条件,历来是我国经济最发达、最具活力与竞争力的经济区域之一。近年来,以上海为龙头、江浙为两翼的长江三角洲地区,充分利用国际国内两种资源、两个市场,依靠改革和开放两轮驱动,使促进经济发展的基础细胞被激活,推动社会进步的生产力被释放。长江三角洲,这块土地只占全国1%、人口占全国6.25%的地方,创造出了占全国1/5强 The Yangtze River Delta is located in the open coastal areas along the east coast of China and the junction of industrial belts along the river. At the intersection of the Jianghai and the sea, the Yangtze River Delta enjoys unique geographical location and has always been one of the most economically developed, dynamic and competitive economic regions in our country. In recent years, the Yangtze River Delta, with Shanghai as its leading edge and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces as the two wings, has made full use of both domestic and international resources and two markets. By relying on reform and opening up, the basic cells that promote economic development are activated and social progress is promoted Productivity is released. The Yangtze River Delta, this piece of land accounts for only 1% of the country, with a population of 6.25% of the country, creating a national one-fifth of the strong
Metaphor plays an important role in language and thought and color is a universal phenomenon.The color metaphor in this essay is discussed with regard to the me
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2014年10月,福建局从圭亚那铁木豆(Swartzia sp.)原木中截获大量林木害虫,经实验室鉴定,确认检出多达9种害虫,其中中对长小蠹(Platypus parallelus)、赤材小蠹(Xyleborus fer