
来源 :国外汉语教学动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengnan16
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2004年10月14日,我们采访了法国著名汉语教育学家白乐桑先生。白乐桑先生现为巴黎东方语言文化学院中文系教授,汉语语法学博士研究生导师,曾兼任法国教育部汉语教学总督学。他所主持的法国汉语教师协会为推广汉语教育做出了许多努力。值得称颂的是,近年来他亲自组织编写了法国中学汉语教学大纲。该教学大纲内容详细,其特点是,针对不同年级(高中一年级至三年级各个阶段)的学习对象(包括以汉语为第一外语、第二外语和第三外语的 On October 14, 2004, we interviewed Mr. Bai Lesang, a famous French Chinese educator. Mr. Bai Lesang is currently a professor of Chinese at the Oriental Language and Culture Institute in Paris and a doctoral tutor in Chinese grammar. He has also served as governor of Chinese teaching at the French Ministry of Education. He presided over the French Association of Chinese teachers to promote Chinese education has made a lot of efforts. It is praiseworthy that in recent years he personally organized the preparation of the French high school Chinese syllabus. This syllabus contains detailed contents, which is characterized by learning objects (including Chinese as first language, second language and third language) in different grades (from the first year to the third year of senior high school)
In this letter, we solve three-dimensional time-dependent Newton equations for atoms interacting with a ten-cycle elliptically polarized laser pulse. The ionize
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