Uncertainty Analysis of Static Coulomb Stress Change Induced by Earthquake-A Case Study on the 2008

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jsan
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Static Coulomb stress change induced by earthquake slip is frequently used to explain earthquake activities and aftershock distribution.However,some parameters for the Coulomb stress calculation are unable to be well constrained from laboratory experiments and field observations.Different parameters may directly affect the pattern of static Coulomb stress.The static Coulomb stress changes induced by the Wenchuan earthquake calculated by six research groups are not consistent with each other.To investigate how the parameters affect the calculation results,we change the parameters in turn through modeling and compare the results of different calculation parameters.We find that gravity,position and strike of receiver faults have little influence on coseismic Coulomb stress calculations,but other parameters can change the value and sign of the results in various degrees especially around the earthquake rupture plane.Therefore the uncertainty analysis of static Coulomb stress change induced by earthquake should be taken into consideration in the earthquake hazard analysis. Static Coulomb stress change induced by earthquake slip is frequently used to explain earthquake activities and aftershock distribution. However, some parameters for the Coulomb stress calculation are unable to well constrained from laboratory experiments and field observations. Different parameters may directly affect the pattern of static Coulomb stress. The static Coulomb stress changes induced by the Wenchuan earthquake calculated by six research groups are not consistent with each other. To investigate how the parameters affect the calculation results, we change the parameters in turn through modeling and compare the results of different calculations parameters.We find that gravity, position and strike of receiver faults have little influence on coseismic Coulomb stress calculations, but other parameters can change the value and sign of the results in various degrees especially around the earthquake rupture plane.Therefore the uncertainty analysis of static Coulomb stress change induced by earthquake should be taken into consideration in the earthquake hazard analysis.
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