与时代同拍 唱军营心声——《军营男子汉》创作经过

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八十年代的中国充满歌声,但军旅题材的通俗歌曲却门可罗雀。当时任空军政治部歌舞团创作员的姜春阳决心填补此项空白。1986年秋,为配合部队广泛开展的人生观、得失观教育,空军政治部组织词曲作家到大连某飞行师体验生活,创作歌曲。姜春阳和大家一道深入基层连队,召开座谈会,找文艺骨干谈话,听官兵们谈感想谈要求。当时,军营唱得最多的是《十五的月亮》和《血染的风采》这两首抒情歌曲。从师首长到普通士兵,都希望能听到反映战士心声、催人奋进、提神鼓劲的歌。一天傍晚,姜春阳看到一位战士坐在沙滩上怀抱六弦琴倾心弹奏着《外婆的澎湖湾》,他很受感动。从这一刻起他就思索着如何写出适合当代军人演唱的流行歌曲。一天深夜,阎肃敲开了姜春阳的房门,掩饰不住激动地说:“老姜,有词啦,有词啦,你看看吧!”“我来到这个世界上,没有想去打仗,只是因为时代的需要我才扛起了枪,失掉不少发财的机会,丢掉许多梦想……”读罢歌词,姜春阳的眼睛为之一亮。他拉着老战友的手激动地说:“好,《军营男子汉》很响亮,很带劲,我先写曲,你再把后两段词 China is full of songs in the 1980s, but the popular songs of military subjects are overwhelming. Jiang Chunyang, then a song and dance troupe of the Air Force Political Department, was determined to fill this gap. In the autumn of 1986, to tie in with the widely-pursued philosophy of life and gain and loss of the army, the Air Force Political Department organized a songwriter to a Dalian pilot to experience life and create songs. Jiang Chunyang and everyone in-depth grassroots company, held forums, talk to find the backbone of literature and art, to listen to officers and men to talk about the requirements of talk. At that time, the military camp is the most sung is the ”fifteen moon“ and ”bloody style“ of the two lyrical songs. From the commander to the general soldier, all hope to hear the voice of the soldiers reflect, inspiring, refreshing song. One evening in the evening, Jiang Chunyang saw a soldier sitting on the beach embracing the violin and playing ”Grandma’s Penghu Bay“. He was very touched. From that moment on, he pondered how to write popular songs suitable for contemporary military personnel. One night late at night, Yan Su knocked on the door of Chun-Yang Jiang, could not conceal excitedly said: ”Ginger, there are words, words, you see!“ ”I came to this world, no Want to go to war, just because of the needs of the times I just picked up the gun, lost a lot of chances of making fortune, lost many dreams ... ... “Read the lyrics, Jiang Chunyang eyes bright. He took the old comrade’s hand excitedly said: ”Well,“ barracks man ”is very loud, very energetic, I write songs, you then the second paragraph of the word
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