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《阿房宫赋》的课后思考和练习第四题,要求比较赋的句式跟一般文言句式有何不同,教学参考书中仅作了如下提示: 一般文言句式如下:视鼎如铛,视玉如石,视金如土块,视珠如瓦砾。笔者认为这个提示并未说明有何不同。赋中句式“鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾”,是无主动者的被动式。结合后文“弃掷逦迤”,可译为:鼎被视同铛,玉被视同石。金被视同上块,珠被视同砂砾,乱丢乱扔,遍地都是。如果去掉“被”字,简化成鼎视同铛,玉视同石,金视同土块,珠视同砂砾,……称之谓简化被动式。相当于现在常见的“碗打破了”。这个句式由八个名词组成,其中四个(鼎、玉、金、珠)作主语,另四个(铛、石、块、砾) “A Fang Gong Fu” after-class thinking and practice fourth question, asked Fu sentence comparison with the general classical sentence pattern is different, the teaching reference book only made the following tips: The general classical sentence is as follows: , As jade stone, depending on the gold soil block, depending on beads such as rubble. I think this tip does not indicate any difference. Fu in the sentence “Ding pan jade, gold beads beads gravel,” is passive without the initiative. With the following article “throw throw 逦 迤” can be translated as: Ding is regarded as clang, jade is regarded as the same stone. Gold is the same as the block, beads are treated as grit, littering, everywhere. If you remove the word “be”, simplified into Ding with Tong, Jade as the same stone, gold as the same soil, beads as gravel, ... ... that the so-called simplified passive. Equivalent to the common “bowl broke.” This sentence consists of eight nouns, of which four (Ding, jade, gold, beads) as the subject, the other four (pan, stone, block, gravel)
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