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荷花好看,莲藕好吃,挖藕却十分辛苦。周末,我和爸爸妈妈去老家花石,看到了挖藕的过程。挖莲藕的农民伯伯光着脚踩在莲花池里,脚底下是深深的淤泥。农民伯伯拿着铁锹小心翼翼地用力,在泥里慢慢地寻找着莲藕。如果力气使大了,容易把藕折断,不但影响美观,断的藕节里面也容易进入淤泥,难以清洗。农民伯伯在淤泥里面找到莲藕,紧紧地抓住藕,慢慢地扯出来。莲藕挖出来以后,黑乎乎的淤泥粘在上面,厚厚的一层,要仔细清洗。洗过 Lotus looks good, lotus root delicious, dig lotus root is very hard. Weekends, Mom and Dad and I went home stone, saw the process of dig lotus root. Uncle peasants dig lotus root barefoot in the lotus pond, deep under the feet of mud. Peasant uncle holding a shovel carefully hard, slowly looking for the lotus root in the mud. If the strength so big, easy to break the lotus, not only affect the appearance, broken lotus root inside also easy to enter the mud, difficult to clean. Uncle peasants found in the mud inside the lotus root, tightly grasp the lotus root, slowly pulled out. After digging out the lotus root, the dark mud sticks to it, and the thick layer cleans carefully. Washed
例1 女,56岁,于1998年出现左眼视力下降,诊断为球后视神经炎,激素治疗后好转.随后3年内两眼交替出现3次球后视神经炎,视力逐渐下降,双眼遗有指动视力.曾行视觉诱发电位检查示:双眼P100潜伏期延长.2001年反复出现左下肢麻木,后出现双下肢截瘫,大小便失禁,行颈、胸、腰椎磁共振成像(MRI)示髓内脱髓鞘病变累及脊髓全段,头颅MRI未见明显异常,诊断为视神经脊髓炎.2005年7月突然出现左眼视
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AIM:To study the expression of IGF-1 and IGF-1R and itsintervention by interleukin-10 in the course of experimentalhepatic fibrosis.METHODS:Hepatic fibrosis wa
AIM:The genomes of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylon) fromdifferent individuals are different.This project was toidentify the strain specific DNA sequences between
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