
来源 :法律文献信息与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiancai9550
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刑法谦抑性是历史的选择,也是当代文明社会的必然要求。刑法谦抑性要求严格控制刑法的处罚范围和惩罚程度,尽可能地实现“非罪化”和“轻刑化”。然而我国一直以来在“严禁卖淫嫖娼”政策的指导下,对组织他人卖淫的行为进行了严厉的规制,不仅对各种情形的组织卖淫的行为都规定为犯罪,而且设置的刑罚过重且未根据危害性程度的不同而区别对待,这严重违背了刑法谦抑性的要求。对不涉及幼女的以“非强迫”的手段组织卖淫的行为实现“轻刑化”和“非罪化”应是我国刑事立法的奋斗目标。 Modesty of criminal law is the choice of history, but also the necessary requirement of contemporary civilized society. The restraint of criminal law requires that the penalties and penalties of the criminal law should be strictly controlled and “decriminalization” and “light punishment” should be realized as much as possible. However, under the guidance of the policy of “prohibiting prostitution and prostitution”, our country has strictly regulated the organization of the prostitution of others. It not only criminalizes the organization of prostitution in all kinds of circumstances but also sets excessive penalties And did not discriminate according to the different degree of harm, which seriously violated the requirement of restraining criminal law. It is the goal of our country’s criminal legislation to organize the practice of prostitution without “non-coercion ” to realize the realization of “light punishment” and “non-criminalization”.
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By employing an electrical micro-titration system, in which a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector(C4D) was used to monitor the reaction proce