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人参系五加科植物人参Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.的干燥根,为传统的补益中药,具有大补元气,复脉固脱,补脾益肺,生津安神等功效;西洋参又称花旗参,系同属植物P.quinquefoliunm L.的干燥根,与人参一样具有补益功能,但与人参不同种,性味功效亦有所差异。由于产地不同等因素,西洋参的价格较人参要高得多,故市场上以价格低廉的人参加工后伪充成西洋参或在西洋参制剂中掺入不等量的人参后出售以攫取暴利等掺假、掺伪现象屡见不鲜,而人参与西洋参的主要性状和所含化学成分 Ginseng is a dried root of Panax ginseng CAMey, a ginseng plant of the Araliaceae family. It is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for replenishing qi and vitality, Fumai solid-off, spleen-enriching lung, and Shengjin Anshen. It is also known as American ginseng and belongs to the same genus. The dried roots of plant P. quinquefoliunm L. have the same tonic functions as ginseng, but unlike ginseng, the effects of sexual taste are also different. Due to different origins and other factors, the price of American ginseng is much higher than that of ginseng. Therefore, people on the market who participate in the post-industrial hypoglycemic treatment of American ginseng are involved in the low-priced person, or mixed in the American ginseng preparations to sell in order to gain profits. , adulteration is common, and people participate in the major traits and chemical composition of American ginseng
The paper describes a large-area analysis of the triggering zones of shallow landslides on a case of unsaturated layered volcanic air-fall(pyroclastic) soil dep
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目的 :探讨脂多糖 (lipopolysaccharide ,LPS)对血管内皮细胞分泌功能的影响。方法 :选择体外培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞株 (ECV - 3 0 4 )为研究对象 ,用不同剂量的LPS进行处理
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
或许只有在Smashing Pumpkins.Billy Corgan才是真正的王者.拿在手中的电吉他撩拨出来的声音才是最动人的。7年前.Smashing Pumpkins分崩离析后.独自发展的Billy Corgan并没