
来源 :中国教育学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengyunemo
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基础教育对于国民素质的提升、人才培养以及创新型国家的建设具有战略先导作用。在国家一系列经济社会发展重大战略布局调整的新时期,基于九年免费义务教育扩大实施国家免费基础教育年限,是国家教育战略新发展的内在要求和重要支点,体现于服务民生、适应经济转型、应对国际战略竞争的人力资本提升。从实践基础、国际经验和财政性经费的保障能力来看,将高中阶段纳入实施12年国家免费基础教育作为近期目标迫切并具有一定的可行性,实施从学前到高中15年国家免费教育的条件还不具备。但12年国家免费基础教育的施行需要立足现实并放眼长远,建议充分利用国家“十三五”教育规划机遇,进行顶层设计、综合施策。 Basic education plays a strategic and leading role in improving the quality of the nationalities, training qualified personnel and building an innovative nation. In the new period when a series of major strategic layouts of economic and social development are readjusted in our country, the extension of the free basic education for nine years on the basis of free compulsory education in nine years is an intrinsic requirement and an important fulcrum for the new development of national education strategy. It is reflected in serving the people’s livelihood and adapting to economic restructuring , To deal with the improvement of human capital in the international strategic competition. From the perspective of practical basis, international experience and financial support, it is urgent and feasible to include the senior high school stage in implementing 12-year free basic education in the country as a near-term goal and to implement the state’s free education for 15 years from pre-school to high school Not yet available. However, the implementation of 12-year free state basic education needs to be realistic and long-term, and it is suggested that we make full use of the national “13th Five-Year Plan” educational planning to carry out top-level design and comprehensive policy-making.
我老家养了三只可爱的小母猫。一放寒假,我就迫不及待地来到老家,和它们一起玩闹。 My home raised three cute little cats. After a winter vacation, I can not wait to
每个人都有两只手,但是,你有没有注意到,我们做许多事情的时候,左手和右手都是互相帮助完成的。朋友之间,也要互相帮忙哦!左手和右手 Everyone has two hands, but did you