人文忠县 生态忠县

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忠县位于重庆中部,幅员面积2184平方公里,总人口97万,辖42个乡镇,是国家商品粮种植、瘦肉型猪繁育、杂交水稻制种基地县和重庆市优质大豆、柑橘、蚕桑生产基地县。忠县历史悠久,旅游资源富集,“忠义”文化声名远扬,文字记载历史2300多年,是巴文化的发源地之一;天然气、岩盐、石灰石、红豆杉等矿产和农林资源优势独具;3条省道在境内交汇,穿越县境66公里的沪蓉高速路将于2007年建成,全县通车里程1300公里,长江“黄金水道”横贯县境88公里。近年来,忠县牢固树立和落实全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,在实施“工业强县”、“旅游兴县”、“民营富县”、“生态靓县”等发展战略的过程中,注重处理好经济建设与环境保护、项目建设与环境保护、环境治理与环境保护的关系,深化环境宣传教育,强化环境监督管理,加强环境污染防治,加大环保投入,提高环境监管水平,为经济和社会可持续发展提供有力保障。 Zhongxian County is located in the central part of Chongqing, covering an area of ​​2,184 square kilometers and a population of 970,000 with 42 townships under its jurisdiction. It is a national base for commodity grain cultivation, lean pork breeding, base for producing hybrid rice and high-quality soybeans, citrus and sericulture production bases in Chongqing county. Zhongxian County has a long history and rich tourism resources. Its reputation as “loyalty and righteousness” is well-known for its history of more than 2,300 years. It is one of the cradles of Ba culture. Natural resources such as natural gas, rock salt, limestone and yew have unique advantages in agriculture and forestry resources ; 3 provincial highway intersection in the territory, Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway 66 kilometers through the county will be completed in 2007, the county traffic mileage of 1,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River “Golden Waterway” across the county 88 kilometers. In recent years, Zhong County has firmly established and implemented the scientific concept of development that is comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. In the process of implementation of the principle of “industrial strong county”, “tourism Xing County”, “private rich county”, “ County ”and other development strategies, pay attention to handling the relationship between economic construction and environmental protection, project construction and environmental protection, environmental governance and environmental protection, deepen environmental publicity and education, strengthen environmental supervision and management, strengthen environmental pollution prevention and control, increase Invest in environmental protection and improve environmental regulation so as to provide strong guarantee for sustainable economic and social development.