Turbo-pump with Isolated Two Stage Impellers for Future Rocket Engine (Trial to Drive Impellers Inde

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ronglao2009
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To suppress the cavitation in the impellers and to make the turb0-pump fives longer,the inducer was separated from the main impeller and both impellers were driven independently.The performance of the pump and the flow conditions around the impellers were investigated experimentally and the following results were obtained. (1)The main impeller contributed to the flow interaction between the inducer and the main impeller.(2)The ro- tational speeds of both impellers can be controlled independently in order to suppress simultaneously the cavita- tion not only in the main impeller,but also in the inducer. To suppress the cavitation in the impellers and to make the turb0-pump fives longer, the inducer was separated from the main impeller and both impellers were driven independently. The performance of the pump and the flow conditions around the impellers were investigated experimentally and the following (1) The main impeller contributed to the flow interaction between the inducer and the main impeller. (2) The ro-tational speeds of both impellers can be controlled independently in order to suppress simultaneously the cavita- tion not only in the main impeller, but also in the inducer.
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