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《促织》选自蒲松龄的文言短篇小说集《聊斋志异》第四卷(铸雪斋本)。这是《聊斋志异》中思想品位和艺术品位都极高的精品,也是中学语文的传统教材。现行课本的“预习提示”中说:“由于清初文网严密,作者借用讲前朝故事的手段。”给人的印象是,本篇小说本来叙述的是清朝的事情,假托到明朝了,目的是为了避开文字狱的迫害。笔者认为这种说法颇有值得商榷的地方。应该说,清朝宫廷中也是相当崇尚斗蟋蟀的。例如《前清宫词百首》中有这样一首:“宣窑厂盆戗金红,方翅梅花选配工,每值御门归殿晚,便邀女伴斗秋虫。”诗中对斗蟋蟀的器皿、人员、时间、地点等刻画颇详。而且原诗有注云:“宫中亦喜蟋蟀之戏,以宣德御制盆为最贵。蟋蟀多 “Weaving” is selected from Pu Songling’s classical short story collection “Strange Cricket”. This is the finest quality of thought and art in “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” and it is also a traditional teaching material for middle school Chinese. The “Preview Tips” of the current textbook says: “Because Wenwen was strict in the early Qing Dynasty, the author borrowed the means of telling the story of the Qianlong Dynasty.” It gives the impression that the novel originally described the Qing Dynasty and forfeited it to the Ming Dynasty. The purpose is to avoid the persecution of the prison. The author thinks this argument is quite worthy of discussion. It should be said that the courts of the Qing Dynasty were also quite advocating fighting. For example, in “The Former Qing Palace 100 words,” there is such a song: “The kiln of the Xuanqiu plant is made of red and gold, and the plum blossoms of the wing are selected. Every time the value of the Imperial Gate is returned to the temple, the female partner is invited to fight against the fallworm.” The utensils, personnel, time, and location of the buckets are well-characterized. And the original poem has a note of cloud: "The palace is also a favorite scene, with Xuande imperial pots as the most expensive.
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课时一 余角、补角、对顶角( 1)如果∠α +∠β =90°,那么∠α与∠β互为余角 ;( 2 )如果∠α+∠β =180°,那么∠α与∠β互为补角 .( 3)同角或等角的余角相等 ;( 4)同角
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