The Place of Context in Language Teaching and Learning

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shabaoge
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  【Abstract】There exists a fact that L1 is still used widely to teach L2. This article explores the use of L1 in L2 teaching from international perspectives and explains the reasons why teachers from China’s private colleges employ L1 in L2 teaching.Finally, since L1 has a place in the English class of China’s private colleges, some suggestions for English teaching in China’s private colleges have been present.
  【Key words】L1; L2; China’s private college
  1. Backgrounds
  Whether the use of students’ first language (L1) in the second language (L2) teaching should be included, is highly controversial at present in the foreign language teaching field.
  It is arguable that the role of the L1 depends on which teaching methods employed in the foreign language learning. In the 19th century, the classical foreign language teaching method was known as the grammar translation method. In grammar-translation classes, meaning of the target language is translated into students’ native language. It was normal that teachers use the L1 to teach students the rules of English grammars (Cook, 2008). The use of L1 in the L2 teaching was accepted at that time partly because the emphasis of the foreign language teaching was on the written word (Khati, 2011). However, the use of L1 as the learning aid was discredited in the favour of the new language teaching methods such as Direct method and Audio-lingualism, because the language teaching began to focus on the spoken word (Khati, 2011). Direct method only uses the target language (L2) and advocates the discouragement of L1 use. As the Audio-lingualism teach the L2 through numerous drilling and repetition of authentic materials, it is suggested that “render English (the L1) inactive while the new language is being learnt” (Brooks, 1964, p. 142). Both the two methods stress that the learners’ first language should not be use in the L2 classrooms because it is believed that the L1 seems to interfere with the acquisition of the L2.
  In addition, in the 20th century, the monolingual approach exacerbated the exclusion of L1 use. “At the level of national policy, the monolingual principle has been embodied in the guidelines of many countries” (Littlewood
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