Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?

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  Tourism is a booming industry in China. However, some people worry that too many tourism may bring harm to the environment. There has been a discussion recently about China’s pollution crisis. Also tourism is a social phenomenon which closely related to economic level, and obviously it has become one of the most valuable commercial activities.However, with more and more travelers flocking to this business market, many aspects of tourism could cause huge influence to China’s pollution crisis. As far as i am concerned, tourism will bring harm to the environment.
  Recently, enviromental pollution has sparked a heated discussion among social classes.People’s opinions about wether tourism will bring harm to enviroment are vary from person to person, some people advocate that tourism will benifit the surroundings and other people hold the view that tourism pollution can do harmful effect to our future home.On the one hand, tourism developing activity could clean the nature, and improve the awareness of people for protecting envoroment, also promote people to guard nature resource or wild animals and plants.The development of tourism is totally increased social production value and national citizen income, fortified the rate of employment.It also can contribute to the poor area to alleviate poverty in order to become more rich, and which could appeal to the overseas investment.Tourism let every kind of tourists who have different culture background to get together to travel one place, to accelerate the conmmunications and cooperations of different areas and different countries, and the unity of every nations even the the sense of pride of nations.And the income of tourism has become the fund souce for the protection of historical relics, traditional culture, and national handiwork.With the management and development of tourism, it will help to combine the objective landscape with subjective feellings, so it can strengthen the atomosphere of tourism enviroment.On the other hand, some places were destoryed arbitrarily, laking of scientific plan and argument, building civil works or artificial scenery sport more.It will lead the plants choped down seriously.and the mountain or nature scenery view will be break easily.
  When it comes to tourism, more and more people believe that tourism is a tender industry.If humanbeings rely on it excessively, that will influence the nstabilization of national economy.For instance, in the hot season of tourism, so many tourists come into the sport, it will inevitablely cause the rising of inflationary spiral.If the administration can not charge this situation, it will cause more and more wastes, or some same establishment will be constructed again and again.Lastly, the development of tourism may cause the assimilation or dissimilation of culture, that must be a problem that could arouse wide concern in the public.Because we will face the challege for losing the reality, difference, and the character of historical culture.   For one thing, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious.Tourist activity is a consumption activity, it’s inevitable that it will produce all kinds of wastes.With the development of tourism traffic, modern transportation which is including buses, cars will discharge more gases, and the utilization of various sources will cause the atmospheric contamination. It is true to the present situation that the water could be easily damaged by discharging sewage and rubbish.If some travelers have no mentality about ecological protection, they will throw away as much as stuff as they like, its a serious problem that will give rise to the pollution for solid wastes.Great amount of solid wastes are produced and it lead to some environmental problems. All of these will form destruction for ecological environment system. For another, the destruction of animal and plant resources has become increasingly worsened. In order to develop tourist areas, many habitats or refuges may totally be destroyed where provided for a multitude of wild animals. Many examples can be found to prove that the most common form to cause the plant damaging is picking and treading randomly by travelers in tourist activities.However, when people prepared for building tourist facilities, or places of entertainment, there is no doubt that a large area of plants would be removed.Therefore, it’s the most direct damage to plant resources.
  Tourism is an industry which depend on enviroment highly.The bad impact which caused by tourism activities must be governed effectively, otherwise it will threat the subsistence and development of tourism.So we must take some effective measures to protect our envioment.Firstly, strengthening the mangements and fuctions of government.Secondly, broadcasting the education of tourism, spreading the konwlege about what should we do or should not do.Tirdly, we must take scientific means to exploit tourism resouces reasonably, and using the economic ways to carry out the enviromental protection.
  In conclusion, it is well known that environmental pollution gives more and more pressure to our civilization.More harm than good.Of course, we prefer to have the green mountains and blue sky, rather than treasure. It’s necessary for us to respect nature and protect surroundings, it conforms to modern moral codes in tourism.Don’t hurt the earth, and we should should know that our descendants may have no chance to enjoy and admire these special, pretty sightseeing places, unless everyone is willing to protect them. In this view, it’s high time for us to take some actions to have some hand in developing tourism. For instance, it is commonly accepted that to enhance the education of tourism morality.
【摘要】在中学英语教学中应用微课技术创设情景,对于充分地调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性有着特殊的优越性,同时使教学重点更突出,教学难点很容易突破,对培养和提高学生的理解能力、思维能力和创新能力以及提高学生的自主学习能力都有很重要的意义。  【关键词】微课 巧妙运用 恰当适时 发挥优势  随着信息技术的发展和信息技术辅助教学的广泛应用,信息技术以其独特的魅力深受越来越多的教师的青睐,为中学英语课堂教学的
【摘要】在国家教育部大力倡导精准教育和高校课堂的今天,教学实效性已经成为衡量教学成果的主要校准。为了促进中学教育的稳步发展,实现英语教学的高质高效,我们要在革新教学理念的基础上,完善英语教学方式,借助多媒体技术与教学的融合创设更利于英语教学发展的环境,充分提高课堂教学的有效性,打造精品课程,实现中学英语教学的综合提升。  【关键词】中学英语 精品课堂 有效性 多媒体教学  英语教学的持续发展标志着
【摘要】本文就十字教学法中探究和应用两个环节,在教与学中通过与高考语法填空的考查相结合,探索如何提高学生的解题技巧和获取有效分,提出三点探究应用心得。  【关键词】语法填空 探究应用 解题技巧  语法填空在高考中是学生主观题中得分率较低的题目,笔者在教学中发现学生主要存在以下问题:(1)词汇量匮乏;(2)所给词性和中文意思模糊不清;(3)不懂分析句子结构和成分,语法知识混乱。针对以上问题,笔者在教
【Abstract】Since the introduction of CL theory to China in the 1980s, an increasing number of experts, scholars and front-line teachers of education have begun looking into its potential applicability
【摘要】客家山歌是客家人民智慧的结晶,是客家人民灵感所酝酿的硕果。充分表达了客家人的真情实感,客家山歌题材丰富,艺术手法别具匠心。客家山歌与海外民谣对比既有共通之处同时又各具特色。  【关键词】客家山歌 外国民谣 艺术手法  客家山歌是劳动人民生产生活的产物,是社会实践的结果。其内容反映了当时的劳动人民的生活状况,是人民智慧的结晶。  客家山歌主题大致可以分为两种:一是传达男女之情的情歌,这是客家
书面表达是初中英语中考的重要题型,是一种反映学生表达、传递信息和解决实际问题能力的十分重要的语言测试手段,同时也是用于测试学生的语言交际能力和语言知识活用能力的一项综合性試题。  一、问题的提出  初中学生的英语写作(五级)有明确的要求:1.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;2.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在老师的指导下进行修改;3.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;4.能简单描述人物或事件;5.
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【摘要】本文通过对成都市公示语英译现状的实地调查,与国家标准的《公共服务领域英文译写规范》进行对比,分析了公示语英译的错误类型,提出了一些翻译对策,希望引起相关部门的重视。  【关键词】公示语英译 翻译失误 翻译对策  一、成都市公示语英译现状调查  1.成都市英语公示语翻译质量调查:笔者主要对成都市公示语英译进行了实地调查,主要包括了银行,医院,火车站和公交车站,市内景点,购物中心等地。调查结果