Three-dimensional variational data assimilation of WindSat ocean surface winds for the genesis and f

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With available high-resolution ocean surface wind vectors retrieved from the U.S.Naval Research Laboratory’s WindSat on Coriolis,the impact of these data on genesis and forecasting of tropical storm Henri is examined using the non-hydrostatic,fifth-generation mesoscale model(MM5) of Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research plus its newly released three-dimensional variational data assimilation(3DVAR) system.It is shown that the assimilation of the WindSat-retrieved ocean surface wind vectors in the 3DVAR system improves the model initialization fields by introducing a stronger vortex in the lower troposphere.As a result,the model reproduces the storm formation and track reasonably close to the observations.Compared to the experiment without the WindSat surface winds,the WindSat assimilation reduced an error between the model simulated track and observations of more than 80 km and also improved the storm intensity by nearly 2 hPa.It suggests that these data could provide early detection and prediction of tropical storms or hurricanes. With available high-resolution ocean surface wind vectors retrieved from the US Naval Research Laboratory’s WindSat on Coriolis, the impact of these data on genesis and forecasting of tropical storm Henri is examined using the non-hydrostatic, fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) of Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research plus its newly released three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) system. Titled that the assimilation of the WindSat-retrieved ocean surface wind vectors in the 3DVAR system improves the model initialization fields by introducing a stronger vortex in the lower troposphere. As a result, the model reproduces the storm formation and track reasonably close to the observations. Compared to the experiment without the WindSat surface winds, the WindSat assimilation reduced an error between the model simulated track and observations of more than 80 km and also improved the storm intensity by nearly 2 hPa.It suggests that these data could provide early detection and prediction of tropical storms or hurricanes.
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