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古希腊数学家普洛克拉斯指出:“哪里有数学,哪里就有美。”数学教学虽然重在落实基础知识,培养基本技能,发展数学思维,但也不可忽视美的渗透与教育。因此,我们必须重视在小学数学教学中渗透美育,帮助学生感受数学中的美,学会欣赏数学中的美,并不断表现和创造数学的美,以提高学生的数学素养。一、感受图形的简洁美数学在许多人心目中,往往是一门枯燥乏味,充满着各种怪异符号的学科,从而导致学生对数学缺乏兴趣。如何使学生对数 The ancient Greek mathematician Ploklas pointed out: “Where there is mathematics, where there is beauty.” Although mathematics teaching focuses on the implementation of basic knowledge, fostering basic skills and developing mathematical thinking, we can not ignore the infiltration and education of the United States. Therefore, we must attach importance to the infiltration of aesthetic education in elementary mathematics teaching to help students feel the beauty of mathematics, learn to appreciate the beauty of mathematics, and continue to show and create the beauty of mathematics to improve students’ mathematical accomplishments. First, feel the simple beauty of graphics Mathematics in many people’s minds, often boring, full of various weird symbols of the discipline, resulting in a lack of interest in mathematics students. How to make student logarithm
The behavior of inclusions in the process of δ-phase growth during the solidification of Fe-0.15C-0.8Mn steel was in-situ observed using a high-temperature con
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1982年出版的关于《长寿命放射性核素的环境迁移》的 IAEA 会议录为我们提供了内容十分丰富的科研资料。它反映了当前核环境安全研究领域前沿的研究动向和新的见解,也汇集了