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经教育部全国高校毕业生就业指导中心批准,西北地区高等学校毕业生就业指导服务中心日前正式挂牌成立。西北地区高等学校毕业生就业指导中心,是由甘肃省人事厅、甘肃省教育厅、宁夏回族自治区教育厅、青海省教育厅、新疆维吾尔自治区人事厅、新疆维吾尔自治区教育委员会和陕西省教育厅联合组建,旨在西北五省区建立、培育以高校为主体的公开、平等的毕业生就业市场体系,促进区域经济和社会事业的加快发展,尤其是满足“西部大开发”对高级专门人才的需求。该中心由发起组建的西北五省区共同设立和领导,业务上接受全国高校毕业生就业指导中心的指导。“中心”下设办公室、外联信息部、毕业生资源 Approved by the National College Graduates Career Guidance Center of the Ministry of Education, the Employment Guidance Service Center for Graduates of Colleges and Universities in Northwest China has officially been formally established. Northwest Regional College Graduates Career Guidance Center, is jointly organized by Gansu Provincial Personnel Office, Gansu Provincial Department of Education, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Education Department, Qinghai Provincial Department of Education, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Personnel Office, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Education Commission and Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education It aims to establish and cultivate an open and equal graduate employment market system with colleges and universities as the main body and promote the accelerated development of regional economy and social undertakings. In particular, it is necessary to meet the needs of senior specialists The demand. The center was founded by the formation of the five provinces and autonomous regions of the northwestern region to jointly set up and lead the business to accept the guidance of the National Graduate Employment Guidance Center. “Center ” under the office, the Outreach Department of information, graduate resources
知识经济时代对人才的培养提出了新要求。培养创新人才是高等教育新的使命 ,积极探索培养创新人才的途径及方式方法 ,成为新时期的一个重要课题 The era of knowledge-based
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编者絮语: 本期我们在“观察与思考”栏目编发了两篇有关就业的稿件:一篇讲经验,一篇说问题;一篇讲由培训而促进就业,主要针对残疾人;一篇谈由下岗而重新择业,问题涉及全社会
摘 要:企业的全面预算管理,是其内部管理工作的重要一环,对企业发展的“提质增效”具有十分重要的作用。特别是在我国经济经历三十余年的高速发展,面临转型升级的当下,企业实行全面预算管理具有更加突出的意义。本文首先分析了全面预算管理的概念及具体内容,并详细探讨了企业实行全面预算管理的作用,最后探讨了企业实行全面预算管理的相应策略。  关键词:企业;全面预算管理;积极作用  引言  随着我国社会经济的不断
The short tandem repeat(STR)markers are widely used in human identification and paternity testing in the field of forensic genetics[1].Recent researches on poly