L-S mass transfer in G-L-S countercurrent magnetically stabilized bed with amorphous alloy SRNA-4 ca

来源 :China Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caichengzyokokok
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Liquid-solid (L-S) mass transfer coefficients (Ks) were characterized in a gas-liquid-solid (G-L-S) three-phase countercurrent magnetically stabilized bed (MSB) using amorphous alloy SRNA-4 as the solid phase. Effects of superficial liquid velocity, superficial gas velocity, magnetic field strength, liquid viscosity and surface tension were investigated. Experimental results indicated that the external magnetic field increased Ks in three-phase MSB, as compared to those in conventional G-L-S fluidized beds; that Ks increased with magnetic field strength, superficial gas and liquid velocities and decreased with liquid viscosity and surface tension; and that Ks showed uniform axial and radial distributions except for small increases close to the wall. Dimensionless correlations were established to estimate Ks of the G-L-S countercurrent MSB using SRNA-4 catalyst, with an average error of 3.6%. Liquid-solid (LS) mass transfer coefficients (Ks) were characterized in a gas-liquid-solid (GLS) three-phase countercurrent magnetically stabilized bed (MSB) using amorphous alloy SRNA-4 as the solid phase. , superficial gas velocity, magnetic field strength, liquid viscosity and surface tension were investigated. Experimental results indicated that the external magnetic field increased Ks in three-phase MSB, as compared to those in conventional GLS fluidized beds; that Ks increased with magnetic field strength , and superficial gas and liquid velocities and decreased with liquid viscosity and surface tension; and that Ks showed uniform axial and radial distributions except for small increases close to the wall. Dimensionless correlations were established to estimate Ks of the GLS countercurrent MSB using SRNA-4 catalyst , with an average error of 3.6%.
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