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  When I walked to room G7 for the first time on August 14, 2018, I wasnt sure what to expect. It would be my final year at high school, and I was anxious about meeting a teacher for my International Relations course. As I approached G7s doorway, I was greeted by Mr Valentine and I soon realized he was one of the most important people to ever enter my life.
  Mr Valentine showed excitement and passion as he taught, running across his classroom and engaging his students in academic discussions. His clear love of teaching was what I had never experienced before. For the first time in years, I felt at home, and I truly wanted to learn.
  It isnt merely his teaching style, however, that has made Mr Valentine one of my largest inspirations and personal role models. I will never forget the day when I asked him what he would want to do if he werent a teacher. Without skipping a beat, he told me that he would wish to continue working for the government so that he would still be able to help others. That conversation alone convinced me that I had met one of the kindest humans in this world, simply because Mr Valentine is dedicated purely to helping and bettering the life of others.
  On a personal level, Mr Valentine has been very influential for me. He provides me with a supportive, caring environment when I lack one. Even more importantly, he makes me want to do great, fantastic things. As I approach my first year of college, I only hope that Mr Valentine will remain in my life as my mentor.
  1. What was the author worried about?
  A. Meeting a new teacher. B. Graduating from high school.
  C. Handling interpersonal relationships.
  D. Describing the most important people in his life.
  2. What may Mr Valentines class be like?
  A. Lively. B. Quiet. C. Serious. D. Boring.
  3. Why does the author use the example in paragraph 3?
  A. To show Mr Valentines love for life. B. To stress Mr Valentines influence.
  C. To compare Mr Valentine with others. D. To explain Mr Valentines teaching style.
  4. Whats the topic of the text?
  A. Preparations for a better college life. B. The importance of encouragement.
  C. My biggest inspirational teacher. D. Ways to help others.
  Ⅱ. 補全信息
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