LEGO considers rental scheme 乐高考虑出租积木

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  LEGO is considering a brick rental scheme in an attempt to cut down on plastic waste. The Danish toy maker has promised to make all its bricks from sustainable(可持续的) sources by 2030 and is searching for significant resources into finding alternatives.
  Tim Brooks, vice president responsible for sustainability, said the company was “totally open” to the idea of a produce rental scheme but acknowledged that lost pieces could be a significant problem. He said the rental scheme was “possible” but admitted that there were some “technical barriers”, one of which is the complexity of some LEGO sets, many of which contain thousands of pieces.“What are the chances of giving them to an eight?year?old child and getting them all back
  again?” Mr Brooks added.
  LEGO has come under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint with growing international alarm about the impact of plastic waste on the environment. LEGO reportedly gives off around a million tons of carbon dioxide each year, with about three quarters coming from raw materials that go into factories. It produces 19 billion pieces per year 36,000 a minute that are made of plastic and much of the inner packaging is also plastic. So far, the only breakthrough has been the development of a line of bricks made from plant?based plastic sourced from sugar cane(甘蔗). The green trees, plants and flowers were first included in LEGO sets late last year but account for only one?two percent of the total amount of plastic elements produced.
  Henrik Ostergaard Nielson, a production administrator in LEGOs factory, told The New York Times last year, “We need to learn again how to do this.” The company has invested (1BF) more than 欧元100,000,000 and hired 100 people to research non?plastic alternatives. It is aiming to keep all of its packaging reusable by 2025.
  1. What is the aim of LEGOs brick rental plan?
  A. To cut down on their cost.
  B. To reduce plastic waste.
  C. To seek alternative resources.
  D. To deal with technical barriers.
  2. What is Tim Brooks attitude towards the toy rental scheme?
  A. Negative.
(模擬)Images of her childhood flashed past her eyes. There she was, aged three, building a sandcastle on the 1 . Time flew by as those small little 2 changed into stronger ones which were trying to
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子鞍前不佩刀  碑 林    已经很多年了,没来由地喜欢藏刀。  刀不易携带。今年春节的时候开车去西宁,突然觉得自己就像是一个没有人管的野孩子,可以随心所欲了。这一次回来,我在本田越野的后备箱里藏了十几把刀。当我们冒着大雪走在六盘山顶上的时候,从冰天雪地的山路上冲了下来,差一点连人带车摔到悬崖下面。清醒的时候,看着撞得破破烂烂的车,我就想,或许是那些刀帮我镇了邪。保住了这条小命。  喜欢刀是一种情
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用  一、关键词  70年代:  关键词:供应 自制  代表物品:自制沙发组装电子管收音机  80年代:  关键词:自制 商品  代表物品:塑料盆组合家具  90年代:   关键词:购买      代表物品:流水线板材家具 各种型号电视机传呼机 大哥大  21世纪:   关键词:定制  代表物品:手工实木家具、卫浴产品等mp3mp4平板电视  二、生活里的手工故事    人物:王兴国,邮政工作人员
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面对新冠肺炎疫情的冲击,一个越来越清晰的声音是希望政府能够加大逆周期调节的力度,加大投资,以带动经济增长。但是人们又很担心,根据历史给出的教训,政府的过度干预很可能给经济的长远发展埋下祸根。  不过相比于眼前的困难,经济增速的下滑、人们收入的下降,以及失业问题和其背后可能带来的社会问题,希望出台政策刺激经济的呼声似乎更高。同时,为了避免重蹈覆辙,人们似乎找到了新的出路,相比于过去一味投资“铁公基”
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