Analysis and Reconstitution on Talent Cultivating Objective Positioning for University of Applied Te

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  【Abstract】As an emerging and multidisciplinary college, University of Applied Technology features the certain kind of applied technology, and the technical talents from the university like this have drew great attention from society. However, how to positioning the talent cultivating objective is very critical to balance the mismatching between talents supply of universities and talents demand of the society. This article focuses on the analysis of existing issue that lays in talent cultivating objective positioning for transitioning from academic universities to technology applied universities for local institutes, and clarification of the characteristics of talent training objective positioning in western developed countries as well. Given this, put forward how domestic universities of applied technology locate and reconstitute talent cultivating objectives.
  【Key words】University of Applied Technology; Technical talent; Multidisciplinary; Talent cultivating; Positioning and reconstitute
  1.Problems in target positioning of talent cultivating of local not-transformed undergraduate colleges
  (1)Some of local not-transformed undergraduate colleges determine the talent cultivating objective not depend on their self-development demand.
  Whether local undergraduate colleges can cultivate students to be the ones that can help with the local development is not only connect with the lasting development of the colleges themselves but also affects the successful transformation and upgrade of local industry structure. Though some of the local colleges take an active response to the transformation of being one of the applied technology universities, they do not set the talent cultivating target depend on their self-development demand. However,due to short histories, less practical experience in running a school, not being capable of training talents to be well-qualified ones, trapped in enrollment problems and getting into awkward conditions that undergraduates face job crisis, some of the local undergraduate colleges are compelled to do the transformation .However, during the process, those colleges do not manage to accomplish relative adjustments on teaching planning, teaching method, curriculum provision and arranging the theory courses and practice courses at a proper ratio systematically.
  (2)Disconnection between objective positioning of talent cultivating of some local not-transformed colleges and transformation and upgrading of industry structure.   The homogeneous of major setting, ill-adapt to the need of the burgeoning industries, low transformation rate of research outcome, not being able to give scope to the value of knowledge innovation, and cooperation between the universities and local enterprise doesn’t come to the best way, all those reflections lead to the prominence problems of structural unemployment of undergraduates. “The transformation and upgrade of industry structure will cause the diversity demand of quantity, level and structure of the technicians who are in good command of modern science and technology, and are also been trained with systematic skills.”Some of our local universities do not promote per local economy as change the method, modify the structure, and either don’t set talent cultivating goals relevantly, which make both of the colleges and enterprises lack of promotion for development. That is to say, the talents that can not meet up with the need of local companies is resist to the further development of the economy. Moreover, talents graduating from local universities are not well-qualified, and are also isolated from the job market.
  2. Features analysis on talent cultivating objective positioning of applied technology universities in western developed countries.
  (1)Applied technology universities in western developed countries set objective positioning for talent cultivating based on their demands
  Germany who has applied technology universities is with this prominent features; Sweden, Dutch and Finland are all set their objective positioning based on their self-development relatively. Sweden that focus not only on theoretical technology but also on professional expertise, which is based on their own development, not even so, in order to make the undergraduates solve practical problems individually, they are required to be equipped with great developing ability. Dutch’s applied technology universities set their major objectives of talent cultivating as training their technical application and creativity abilities, and determine clearly that “undergraduates must have the ability to face the challenge and satisfy demands from work and have the quality to be in the real working situation to be the bridge between knowledge and practice”. Finland also make their students be with abundant theoretical knowledge and skillful practical operation ability. Given the above, applied technology universities of western developed countries are based on their actual demand, and set their objective as: in service to economic development and to be the applied and professional technical talents that meet the need of society.   (2)Applied technology universities in western countries emphasis on cultivating talents with practical ability and creativity.
  1)Applied technology universities in Dutch and US focus on the ability of practical operation
  Take Dutch as an example: being the biggest strength, applied universities there pay more attention to objective positioning of talent cultivating with great creativity. Furthermore, the talent cultivating have effective connection with major setting and region structure. US sets the goal of applied technology universities as “cultivating students to be applied with the ability of application, development and creating new advanced technology, and making this kind of ability promote with the development of industrial society”.
  2)Applied technology universities in Germany and British focus on training of creativity
  University of Applied Sciences - Hof, a typical applied technology university- which “curriculum arrangement shows the ‘application-oriented’ running principle, and it really focus on the operation ability of their students, from their major setting, it fully fulfills Dewey ’ s education idea which is embedding learning in practice”, and promote students’ creativity in an all-round way. Besides this, during the building of applied technology universities in Germany, all this universities are thinking more about their feature of being a technical university, not only the big ones but also the small ones, they all make their major setting match with industry structure of that region.
  Polytechnics in Britain cultivate their students in the way which can adapt to the demand of society. The undergraduates as well as technical engineers are the planners for technical activities, and are responsible for technical issues and helping to find solutions to the problems. The talent cultivating objective positioning in Sweden conveys the local industry features, and is relatively concentric as well. This help with promoting the co-operation between schools and enterprises, which realizes the combination of working and studying.
  3. How our domestic applied technology universities set the objective positioning and reconstitution of talent cultivating
  (1)Domestic applied technology universities set the objection positioning of talent cultivating depend on actual demand of social economy development
  It must be clear that the difference between applied technology universities and academic universities lays in the distinct characteristics of the talents they cultivating for society; for the talents graduating from the applied technology universities serve the production, job and daily life and also equip with the ability to take grass-roots work. Also the pattern of curriculum that combines the subjects with application is quite different from that in vocational colleges which take use of professional ability systematic curriculum. Emphasis more on talent objective positioning of local not-transformed universities should match with the requirement of rapid development and transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry which is propelled by new industry revolution. In order to reach this goal, local universities that under transformation must enhance the autonomy of running a school and sense of mission, moreover, those universities should have their own features and school image, and should not follow the traditions of the academic schools simply and always.   (2)Domestic universities of applied technology should reconstitute talent cultivating objective based on features of talent cultivating positioning
  For now, we are at the tentative period of what kind of talents this kind of university should cultivate, and many of the researchers look into this area, such as
  “Research on German Universities of Applied Technology(FH)” reads that “there are three goals for students who study at applied technology universities; those are solve the problem that comes from production and social life; accomplishing new-developed research and technological project; and introducing、optimizing and supervising the utility of new method and new technique”. The author of “Analysis of Feasibility and Characteristics of Running Universities of Applied Technology”, Meng Qingguo, wrote in his article that universities should focus on training students to be with the ability of technology application and creativity.
  From related researches, it is obvious that the future purpose of talent cultivating of applied technology will pay more attention to the capability development of graduates who will be with great utility, promotion, transformation ability of technology, which are different from the ones graduated from normal academic universities, and can better serve the local industry and enterprises’ operation, management and development. That is to say, our universities of applied technology should reconstitute objective of talent cultivating based on the features of talent cultivating objective position, which is cultivate the talents who are with great ability of application, promotion, and converting.
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【摘要】培养学生的听、说、读、写能力是高中英语教学的根本目的。其中,听说训练能够有效培养学生的英语语言输入能力,读写训练能够有效培养学生的英语语言输出能力。另外,读还能够促进写,因此,高中英语教师应该加强培养学生的阅读能力,以此来提高他们的写作水平。基于此,文中重点分析了高中英语阅读与写作教学的融合措施。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读与写作;融合  众所周知,在开展英语教学时,读可以促进写,这主要是
【摘要】本文就高中英语语法难点复合句剖析掌握复合句的关键,通过把握从句本身的特性即修饰型从句和躯干型从句从而简单区分各种从句。又通过比较从句间的交集词汇提供了一种较为简洁的题目分析手段。使学生从解题思路上下手来掌握这一语法难点。  【关键词】复合句 特性 交集  近几年,高中英语教学中一再强调淡化语法,忽略语法。笔者却认为,在高中英语的学习中,学生只有懂得语法才能更好地学习语言,感知语言以及应用语
【摘要】由于中国与英语国家在语言上存在巨大差异,古今中外的翻译理论家一直乐此不疲地寻找最适当地翻译理论以指导译者更好地完成翻译译作。归化与异化的翻译理论是其中的明珠,本文运用归化与异化的翻译思想对比分析《红字》的两个汉译本在词汇翻译,句子翻译和文化翻译上的异同。  【关键词】归化;异化;《红字》汉译本  【作者简介】王玉(1995-),女,河南人,广西科技大学,硕士研究生,研究方向:翻译;张树德(
【摘要】随着新课改的实施与发展,在教育界初中英语教学也进入了新时期,在教学不断更新与进步的前提下,有效的英语课堂教学也成为了教学中重要的内容,也是在教育界老师和专家需要探索的重要课题。  【关键词】教育改革;探索;英语课堂  要想提高学生的实践创新能力有效促进学生发展,就要充分调动学生的学习热情,最大程度的激发学生自主学习的欲望。在我国新课改实施以后,初中英语课堂教学也进入了新时期,有效性的英语课
【摘要】本文对什么是教学机智进行阐述,并结合具体的案例阐述如何在小学英语课堂中运用教学机智,并阐述了教学机智的正确运用。作为老师的我们无法回避这些突发状况,作为一名小学英语教师,我认为教师是课堂的主导者、指挥者,应该具备灵活处理问题的能力。往往一个小小的得当的方法不但会“化险为夷”、“扭转乾坤”,还会给我们的课堂增色不少。  【关键词】英语课堂 突发状况 教学机智  一、什么是教学机智  教学机智
【摘要】口译涉及复杂的思维过程和语言输出过程,传统教学模式已不适应当前口译教学创新变革的要求。在信息技术环境下,慕课逐渐走入大学口译课堂,促进了口译教育模式的创新。本文将重点探讨慕课背景下口译教育的创新路径,与教学实践相结合,在教学理念、课程设置、教学模式上有所创新,为培养新时期高素质口译人才创造良好条件。  【关键词】慕课;口译教学;课程设置;创新实践  在高校英语课程中,口译课难度相对较高,涉
【摘要】英美报刊选读是英语专业教学大纲所规定的课程之一,也是一门重要的学科课程。主要目的在于培养学生阅读英美报刊杂志的能力,提升学生的英语水平。但是,在实际的教学过程中,存在着一定的问题。本文从这些问题入手,探讨该门课程的教学思路和方法,促进教学改革,提高教学质量。  【关键词】英美报刊选读;教学模式  一、绪论  根据教育部于2000年批准实施的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的规定,英美报刊选